    张军振,常健,李晨星,冯乾乾,张海祖,李丹. 2024. 新疆库车坳陷东部中—新生代构造−热演化与油气勘探远景分析[J]. 中国地质, 51(3): 799−810. DOI: 10.12029/gc20211010001
    引用本文: 张军振,常健,李晨星,冯乾乾,张海祖,李丹. 2024. 新疆库车坳陷东部中—新生代构造−热演化与油气勘探远景分析[J]. 中国地质, 51(3): 799−810. DOI: 10.12029/gc20211010001
    Zhang Junzhen, Chang Jian, Li Chenxing, Feng Qianqian, Zhang Haizu, Li Dan. 2024. Meso−Cenozoic tectono−thermal evolution and prospect analysis of oil and gas exploration of the eastern Kuqa Depression in the Tarim Basin[J]. Geology in China, 51(3): 799−810. DOI: 10.12029/gc20211010001
    Citation: Zhang Junzhen, Chang Jian, Li Chenxing, Feng Qianqian, Zhang Haizu, Li Dan. 2024. Meso−Cenozoic tectono−thermal evolution and prospect analysis of oil and gas exploration of the eastern Kuqa Depression in the Tarim Basin[J]. Geology in China, 51(3): 799−810. DOI: 10.12029/gc20211010001


    Meso−Cenozoic tectono−thermal evolution and prospect analysis of oil and gas exploration of the eastern Kuqa Depression in the Tarim Basin

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 库车坳陷油气资源丰富,但与油气生成与保存相关的构造−热演化研究很薄弱。
      研究方法 本研究通过对库车坳陷东部典型钻孔样品开展磷灰石裂变径迹测试分析与热史模拟,精确重建了库车坳陷东部自中生代以来的构造−热演化史,并评价了烃源岩成熟演化期次。
      研究结果 本文基于原位LA–ICP–MS法测试的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄介于77.7~104.5 Ma,远小于地层年龄,有效地记录了晚白垩世的快速隆升事件。通过热史模拟揭示出库车坳陷东部地区自侏罗纪以来经历了早白垩世—晚始新世(120~40 Ma)和晚中新世至今(10~0 Ma)两期快速隆升事件,分别是由拉萨地块、印度板块与欧亚板块南缘碰撞的远程效应造成的。
      研究结论 库车坳陷东部地区的差异性构造隆升是由南天山由北向南逐渐推进的俯冲挤压造成的。库车坳陷东部地区侏罗系烃源岩在多期沉降作用影响下表现为多阶段成熟演化模式,但受构造隆升事件的影响,曾在早白垩世—晚始新世和晚中新世至今处于停滞阶段。本研究厘定了库车坳陷东部自中生代以来的构造−热演化史,明确了主要烃源岩成熟演化过程,对区域构造演化和下一步油气勘探具有重要的指导意义。


      This paper is the result of oil and gas geological exploration engineering.
      Objective Kuqa Depression is rich in oil and gas resources, but the study of tectonic–thermal evolution related to oil and gas generation and preservation is very weak.
      Methods In this study, the apatite fission track test analysis and thermal history simulation were carried out on typical drilling samples in the eastern part of Kuqa Depression. The tectonic–thermal evolution history of the eastern part of Kuqa Depression since Mesozoic was accurately reconstructed, and the maturity evolution period of source rocks was evaluated.
      Results The apatite fission track ages measured by in–situ LA–ICP–MS are between 77.7 Ma and 104.5 Ma, which are much smaller than the stratigraphic age, and the rapid uplift events of Late Cretaceous are effectively recorded. The thermal history simulation reveals that Kuqa Depression has experienced two periods of rapid uplift since Jurassic (Early Cretaceous–Late Eocene (120–40 Ma) and Late Miocene–present (10–0 Ma)), which are caused by the remote effect of the collision between Lhasa plate, Indian plate and the southern margin of Eurasia plate.
      Conclusions The differential tectonic uplift in Kuqa Depression is caused by the subduction and compression of the southern Tianshan Mountains gradually advancing from north to south. The Jurassic source rocks in Kuqa Depression show a multi–stage mature evolution model under the influence of multi–stage subsidence. Affected by tectonic uplift events, the Jurassic source rocks mature evolution was at a stagnation stage from early Cretaceous to late Eocene and late Miocene. This study determines the tectonic–thermal evolution history of eastern Kuqa Depression since Mesozoic, and clarifies the mature evolution process of main source rocks, which have important guiding significance for regional tectonic evolution and next oil and gas exploration.


