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林瑞钦, 石富伦, 王奕松, 张大权, 冯霞, 姜振学, 刘达东, 杨威, 张子亚, 赵福平, 孙钊, 陈祎, 卢树藩, 杜威

林瑞钦,石富伦,王奕松,张大权,冯霞,姜振学,刘达东,杨威,张子亚,赵福平,孙钊,陈祎,卢树藩,杜威. 2024. 黔北狮溪地区五峰组—龙马溪组页岩气成藏条件及其勘探前景[J]. 中国地质, 51(3): 728−742. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220620002
引用本文: 林瑞钦,石富伦,王奕松,张大权,冯霞,姜振学,刘达东,杨威,张子亚,赵福平,孙钊,陈祎,卢树藩,杜威. 2024. 黔北狮溪地区五峰组—龙马溪组页岩气成藏条件及其勘探前景[J]. 中国地质, 51(3): 728−742. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220620002
Lin Ruiqin, Shi Fulun, Wang Yisong, Zhang Daquan, Feng Xia, Jiang Zhenxue, Liu Dadong, Yang Wei, Zhang Ziya, Zhao Fuping, Sun Zhao, Chen Yi, Lu Shufan, Du Wei. 2024. Shale gas accumulation conditions and exploration prospects of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation in Shixi Area, Northern Guizhou[J]. Geology in China, 51(3): 728−742. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220620002
Citation: Lin Ruiqin, Shi Fulun, Wang Yisong, Zhang Daquan, Feng Xia, Jiang Zhenxue, Liu Dadong, Yang Wei, Zhang Ziya, Zhao Fuping, Sun Zhao, Chen Yi, Lu Shufan, Du Wei. 2024. Shale gas accumulation conditions and exploration prospects of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation in Shixi Area, Northern Guizhou[J]. Geology in China, 51(3): 728−742. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220620002


基金项目: 贵州省地质勘查资金项目“黔北试验区页岩气成藏控制因素研究与勘探实践”(208−9912−JBN−L1D7)资助。




  • 中图分类号: P618.13

Shale gas accumulation conditions and exploration prospects of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation in Shixi Area, Northern Guizhou

Funds: Supported by Guizhou Province Geological Exploration Fund Project “the Research and Exploration Practice on Controlling Factors of Shale Gas Accumulation in Northern Guizhou” (No.208−9912−JBN−L1D7).
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LIN Ruiqin, male, born in 1993, assistant engineer, mainly engaged in shale gas geology and reservoir evaluation research; E-mail: krlinrq@163.com

    Corresponding author:

    DU Wei, male, born in 1990, senior engineer, mainly engaged in structural evolution and its effect on hydrocarbon accumulation; E-mail: duweiletian@126.com.

  • 摘要:





    狮溪1井五峰组—龙马溪组富有机质页岩厚度约25 m,TOC含量分布在2.79%~4.77%,等效镜质体反射率为2.01%~2.59%,有机质类型以I型为主,具有良好的生气基础;富有机质页岩层段脆性矿物含量较高,平均值约为61.05%,具有较高的脆性;发育大量微纳米级孔隙,主要为有机质孔、无机—有机质复合孔,孔体积以及比表面积参数表现良好,为页岩气的赋存提供了良好的储集空间;残留向斜内部富有机质页岩段顶底板具有较好的封闭能力,三者纵向上形成良好的生储盖组合;狮溪1井东部与西部发育两条通天断裂,距离断层较远的同时,得益于断层较好的封闭性以及平缓的地层产状,狮溪1井因而具有良好的含气显示。






    This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.


    The purpose of this paper is to reveal the shale gas accumulation conditions in the complex structural area and to identify the shale gas accumulation potential of Wufeng Formation−Longmaxi Formation in Northern Guizhou by analyzing the shale accumulation elements of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation in Well SX 1.


    This paper focuses on the comprehensive study of shale gas accumulation from the three dimensions of "source, reservoir, and protection", based on the comprehensive experimental analysis of the series drilling coring, logging curves, seismic data, and geochemical testing and reservoir characteristics of Well SX−1.


    The thickness of organic−rich shale in Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation of Well SX 1 is about 25 m, the TOC content is between 2.79% and 4.77%, and the equivalent vitrinite reflectance is about 2.01%−2.59%. The organic matter type is the primary type I, which has a good gas foundation. The content of brittle minerals in the organic−rich shale section is relatively high, with an average value of about 61.05%, indicating high brittleness. A large number of micro−nano pores are developed, mainly organic pores and inorganic−organic composite pores. The pore volume and specific surface area parameters are good, which provides a good reservoir space for the occurrence of shale gas. The roof and floor of the organic−rich shale section in the residual syncline have a good sealing ability. The three vertically form a good source−reservoir−cap assemblage. There are two large faults in the east and west of Well SX 1, but they are far from Well SX 1. At the same time, due to the good sealing of the faults and the gentle formation occurrence, Well SX 1 has a good gas−bearing display.


    In summary, the shale of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation in the residual syncline in northern Guizhou also has oil and gas geological conditions with high efficiency and large−scale production of shale gas, which is the key direction of next exploration and research. The results expand the scope of shale gas exploration, broaden the depth and breadth of shale gas exploration around the Sichuan Basin, and are expected to form a new resource replacement area.


    Based on the three elements of "generation, storage and conservation" of shale gas accumulation, this achievement analyzes the shale gas accumulation conditions of Well SX 1, explores the shale gas exploration potential in northern Guizhou, and confirms that the complex structural area also has good shale gas exploration prospects. The results play an important guiding role in the selection of shale gas favorable areas around Sichuan Basin.

  • 图  1   黔北地区区域地质概况图及狮溪1井岩性柱状图

    Figure  1.   Regional geological survey map of Northern Guizhou and lithology column map of Well SX1

    图  2   黔北地区狮溪1井五峰组—龙马溪组页岩各亚段TOC含量分布箱型图

    Figure  2.   Box diagram of TOC content distribution in each sub-member of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation shale in Well SX1, Northern Guizhou

    图  3   狮溪1井五峰组—龙马溪组页岩全岩(a)与黏土矿物(b)组成百分含量

    Figure  3.   Percentage of whole rock (a) and clay mineral (b) composition of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation shale, Well SX1

    图  4   狮溪1井五峰组—龙马溪组页岩岩相三角图

    Figure  4.   Shale lithofacies triangle diagram of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation, Well SX1

    图  5   狮溪1井五峰组—龙马溪组不同岩相页岩扫描电镜照片

    a—1297.2 m,黏土质页岩,黏土矿物在压实作用下发生形变,发育黏土矿物收缩缝、溶蚀孔与黏土矿物—有机质复合孔;b—1297.2 m,黏土质页岩,发育黏土矿物收缩缝与溶蚀孔;c,d—1305.57 m,混合质页岩,脆性矿物间发育粒间孔,见溶蚀孔与黏土矿物收缩缝;e—1344.97 m,硅质页岩,黏土矿物因压实作用发生破裂而形成为裂缝,见黏土矿物收缩缝,有机质包裹微晶石英,内部发育大量有机质孔;f—1344.97 m,硅质页岩,黄铁矿包裹有机质形成黄铁矿—有机质复合孔,孔隙多呈不规则狭缝状与圆形、椭圆形

    Figure  5.   Scanning electron microscope photographs of different lithofacies shale of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation, Well SX 1

    a−1297.2 m, clay−rich siliceous shale, deformation of clay minerals under compaction, development of clay mineral shrinkage fracture, dissolution pore and clay mineral−organic composite pore; b−1297.2 m, clay−rich siliceous shale, shrinkage seam and dissolution pore of clay minerals seen under microscope; c, d−1305.57 m, mixed shale, intergranular pores are developed between brittle minerals, with dissolution pores and shrinkage cracks in clay minerals; e−1344.97 m, silica−rich argillaceous shale, clay minerals are fractured by compaction to form fissures. Shrinkage fissures of clay minerals are seen. Microcrystalline quartz is wrapped in organic matter. A large number of organic matter pores are developed inside; f−1344.97 m, silica−rich argillaceous shale, pyrite−organic matter composite pores are formed by pyrite wrapping organic matter, and the pores are mostly irregular slit, round and oval

    图  6   狮溪1井五峰组—龙马溪组不同岩相典型样品孔体积与比表面积全孔径分

    a, b—SX−1,1293 m,黏土质页岩;c, d—SX−4,1305.57 m,混合质页岩;e, f—SX−13,1338.92 m,硅质页岩

    Figure  6.   Full pore size distribution of pore volume and specific surface area of typical samples of different lithofacies from Wufeng Formation to Longmaxi Formation in Well SX 1

    a, b−SX−1, 1293 m, clay−rich siliceous shale; c, d−SX−4, 1305.57 m, clay−rich siliceous shale; e, f −SX−13, 1338.92 m, silica−rich argillaceous shale

    图  7   狮溪向斜过狮溪1井二维地震解释成果图

    Figure  7.   2D seismic interpretation result map of Shixi syncline crossing Well SX1

    图  8   黔北地区五峰组—龙马溪组页岩及其顶底板相关参数分布图

    Figure  8.   Intersection distribution of shale and its roof and floor parameters of Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation in Northern Guizhou

    表  1   狮溪1井五峰组—龙马溪组页岩干酪根显微组分组成

    Table  1   Microscopic composition of kerogen in Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation shale of Well SX1

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    表  2   狮溪1井五峰组—龙马溪组页岩不同岩相页岩孔体积与比表面积统计

    Table  2   Statistics of pore volume and specific surface area of shale with different lithofacies in Wufeng−Longmaxi Formation of Well SX 1

    样品编号 层位 深度/m 岩相 孔体积/(10−3 mL/g) 比表面积/(m2/g)
    微孔 中孔 宏孔 总孔体积 微孔 中孔 宏孔 总比表面积
    1 龙三段 1293.12 黏土质页岩 2.20 6.40 0.76 9.36 5.96 2.24 0.02 8.23
    2 龙三段 1297.02 黏土质页岩 2.32 6.58 0.77 9.67 6.31 2.25 0.09 8.64
    3 龙三段 1301 黏土质页岩 2.53 6.96 0.90 10.39 6.58 2.27 0.03 8.88
    4 龙二段 1305.57 混合质页岩 2.15 5.90 0.73 8.78 5.61 1.87 0.02 7.51
    5 龙二段 1309.72 硅质页岩 3.48 10.13 1.20 14.82 9.80 3.69 0.04 13.53
    6 龙二段 1317.36 硅质页岩 3.26 8.97 1.15 13.38 10.06 3.47 0.04 13.57
    7 龙一段 1322.97 硅质页岩 3.05 8.36 1.03 12.43 10.16 3.38 0.04 13.58
    8 龙一段 1333.69 硅质页岩 3.32 9.94 0.49 13.75 9.01 4.52 0.01 13.54
    9 龙一段 1340.27 硅质页岩 2.96 8.86 0.44 12.26 9.04 4.53 0.02 13.59
    10 五峰组 1347.75 硅质页岩 3.96 10.69 0.43 15.08 9.95 3.52 0.01 13.48
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