    章泽军, 张志, 张雄华. 论华南前震旦纪浅变质岩区填图中存在的问题与填图方法[J]. 中国地质, 2002, (2): 218-221.
    引用本文: 章泽军, 张志, 张雄华. 论华南前震旦纪浅变质岩区填图中存在的问题与填图方法[J]. 中国地质, 2002, (2): 218-221.
    ZHANG Ze-jun, ZHANG Zhi, ZHANG Xiong-hua. Problems and mapping method in mapping pre-Sinian low-grade metamorphic terrains of South China[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2002, (2): 218-221.
    Citation: ZHANG Ze-jun, ZHANG Zhi, ZHANG Xiong-hua. Problems and mapping method in mapping pre-Sinian low-grade metamorphic terrains of South China[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2002, (2): 218-221.


    Problems and mapping method in mapping pre-Sinian low-grade metamorphic terrains of South China

    • 摘要: 提要:华南前震旦纪浅变质岩是一种既不同于中深变质岩又有别于沉积岩的特殊岩类。因其特殊性和缺乏针对性的填图方法,导致已有区调成果中存在着诸如文图表述与客观地质体时空分布规律有较大差距等一系列突出问题。通过存在主要问题的剖析和多个相关项目的实践与验证,初步总结出“从小区解剖入手,以建立岩性标志层和小区构造样式为核心,外延扩展到面,在反复认识与验证的基础上,建立填图单位,完善、定型图面构造样式与结构”的填图方法。


      Abstract: Abstract: Pre-Sinian low-grade metamorphic rocks in South China are a special rock type, which is different from not only medium-and high-grade metamorphic rocks but also sedimentary rocks. Because of its particularity and lacking of a mapping method specially for them, there are a number of prominent problems in displaying the available results of regional survey, e. g. there is much difference between the presentation of the map and words and the temporal-spatial distribution of geologic bodies. Through an analysis of major problems and practice and checking of several related projects, the authors have preliminarily summed up a mapping method, i. e. proceeding from an analysis of an area, first establish a lithologic maker bed and structural style of the area, and then take the marker bed and structural style as the core and extrapolate and extend them to other areas; on the basis of gaining knowledge and checking the results repeatedly, establish mapping units and perfect and finalize the structural style and structure of the map surface


