    杜江峰, 刘招君, 张健, 张雷, 贺君玲, 任玉学, 王建东. 吉林松江盆地大拉子组上段油页岩特征及成矿机制[J]. 中国地质, 2008, 35(1): 79-87.
    引用本文: 杜江峰, 刘招君, 张健, 张雷, 贺君玲, 任玉学, 王建东. 吉林松江盆地大拉子组上段油页岩特征及成矿机制[J]. 中国地质, 2008, 35(1): 79-87.
    DU Jiang-feng, LIU Zhao-jun, ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Lei, HE Jun-ling, REN Yu-xue, WANG Jian-dong. Characteristics and formation mechanism of oil shale in the upper member of the Dalazi Formation in the Songjiang basin, Jilin[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2008, 35(1): 79-87.
    Citation: DU Jiang-feng, LIU Zhao-jun, ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Lei, HE Jun-ling, REN Yu-xue, WANG Jian-dong. Characteristics and formation mechanism of oil shale in the upper member of the Dalazi Formation in the Songjiang basin, Jilin[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2008, 35(1): 79-87.


    Characteristics and formation mechanism of oil shale in the upper member of the Dalazi Formation in the Songjiang basin, Jilin

    • 摘要: 提要:吉林省延边地区早白垩世大拉子组上段地层以含油页岩为特征。松江盆地大拉子组上段油页岩呈灰褐色或灰黑色,表现为纸片状和致密块状。有机质类型为腐泥型-腐殖腐泥型,含油率为3.8%~6.2%。大拉子组上段发育7个含油页岩层位,2号层和7号层为具有工业开采价值的矿层,产状不稳定,自东向西、由南向北累计厚度增大。致密块状油页岩发育于松江向斜轴部杨木屯地区、向斜北翼的老偏坡—东山一线,纸片状油页岩见于向斜南翼的杨木屯—松江镇北以及胜利屯一带。大拉子组上段地层可划分为两个三级层序,2号和7号油页岩矿层皆为半深湖-深湖成因,分别形成于层序I、层序II的高位体系域时期。湖水分层稳定、藻类勃发、半深湖-深湖长期滞水缺氧的还原环境、有机质有效聚集保存有利于油页岩成矿,频繁发育的重力流湖泊水下扇沉积则不利于成矿。


      Abstract: Abstract:The upper member of the Early Cretaceous Dalazi Formation in the Yanbian area, Jilin, is characterized by occurrence of oil shale. The oil shale in the upper member of the Dalazi Formation in the Songjiang basin is commonly grayish-brown or grayish-black and paper-sheeted and compact massive. The organic matter in oil shale is of sapropelic type and humus-saproptlic type with an oil-bearing rate of 3.8% to 6.2%. There are 7 beds of oil shale in the upper member of the Dalazi Formation. Of these, beds 2 and 7 are of commercial value; they are not persistent in attitude and their cumulative thicknesses increase from east to west and from south to north. The compact massive oil shale is developed in the Yangmutun area in the axial region of the Songjiang syncline and the Laopianpo-Dongshan area in the north limb of the syncline. The sheeted oil shale occurs in the Yangmutu-North Songjiang area in the south limb of the syncline and Shenglitun area. The upper member of the Dalazi Formation may be divided into two third-order sequences. Beds 2 and 7 are both of semi-deep lake-deep lake origin and formed in the highstand systems tract of sequences I and II respectively. The persistently layered lake water, algal blooming, semi-deep lake-deep lake, protracted, stagnant, anoxic, reducing environment and effective accumulation and preservation of organic material-all these were favorable for the formation of oil shale. However, repeated subaqueous fan deposition by gravity flows was disadvantageous for the formation of oil shale.


