    姜寒冰, 李文渊, 董福辰, 张照伟, 谭文娟, 高永宝, 郭周平. 昆中断裂带南北陆块基底、盖层沉积、岩浆岩对比研究——昆中断裂带构造意义的讨论[J]. 中国地质, 2012, 39(3): 581-594.
    引用本文: 姜寒冰, 李文渊, 董福辰, 张照伟, 谭文娟, 高永宝, 郭周平. 昆中断裂带南北陆块基底、盖层沉积、岩浆岩对比研究——昆中断裂带构造意义的讨论[J]. 中国地质, 2012, 39(3): 581-594.
    JIANG Han-bing, LI Wen-yuan, DONG Fu-chen, ZHANG Zhao-wei, TAN Wen-juan, GAO Rong-bao, GUO Zhou-ping. A comparative study of the basement, the sedimentary blanket and the magmatic rocks of the south and north landmasses in the middle Kunlun fault belt: the tectonic significance of the middle Kunlun fault belt[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2012, 39(3): 581-594.
    Citation: JIANG Han-bing, LI Wen-yuan, DONG Fu-chen, ZHANG Zhao-wei, TAN Wen-juan, GAO Rong-bao, GUO Zhou-ping. A comparative study of the basement, the sedimentary blanket and the magmatic rocks of the south and north landmasses in the middle Kunlun fault belt: the tectonic significance of the middle Kunlun fault belt[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2012, 39(3): 581-594.


    A comparative study of the basement, the sedimentary blanket and the magmatic rocks of the south and north landmasses in the middle Kunlun fault belt: the tectonic significance of the middle Kunlun fault belt

    • 摘要: 提要:本文依据1∶25万区域地质调查成果资料,从昆中断裂带对南北两侧的基底变质岩系(包括变基性火山岩、变泥质岩)、表壳盖层沉积岩系、前寒武纪长英质火成侵入岩以及镁铁-超镁铁质侵入岩的沉积建造、岩石类型组合、岩石地球化学及所反映的源岩物性的控制,系统对比讨论了昆中断裂带南北两侧基底陆块特征及昆中断裂带的构造属性。得出以昆中断裂带为界,南北两侧陆块的大陆岩石圈,无论在表壳沉积岩系、中-下地壳和地幔的层性和物性结构及地球化学成分都存在显著差异。从而提出昆仑造山带实际上是个两陆块碰撞复合陆缘造山带。在元古宇以前南北陆块并非属同一古陆块,或者说昆中断裂带为欧亚大陆和冈瓦纳大陆的真正分界或二者的拼合带。


      Abstract: Abstract:Based on 1:250000 regional geological survey in a blank area of northern Tibetan Plateau, the authors studied the middle Kunlun fault belt in such aspects as structure properties and rock types, geochemistry and sources of the basement metamorphic rocks (including the meta-basic volcanic rocks and metapelite), cover sedimentary rocks, Precambrian felsic intrusive rocks, and mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks. The results show that the north and south sides of the Kunlun fault zone is completely different in continental lithosphere, sedimentary rocks, crust and mantle structure, physical properties and geochemical composition. It is thus suggested that the East Kunlun orogenic belt is actually a land mass of the collision between two continental-margin orogenic complexes. Therefore, the north land mass and the south land mass did not belong to the same land mass in Proterozoic, and the middle Kunlun fault was exactly the boundary between Eurasia and Gondwana land.


