    郭灵俊, 郝俊峰, 杨波, 刘宴文, 赵志军, 武跃勇, 李世宝, 贺锋. 中蒙边境阿巴嘎段铅锌矿集区地质特征和找矿思路[J]. 中国地质, 2012, 39(3): 784-793.
    引用本文: 郭灵俊, 郝俊峰, 杨波, 刘宴文, 赵志军, 武跃勇, 李世宝, 贺锋. 中蒙边境阿巴嘎段铅锌矿集区地质特征和找矿思路[J]. 中国地质, 2012, 39(3): 784-793.
    GUO Ling-jun, HAO Jun-feng, YANG Bo, LIU Yan-wen, ZHAO Zhi-jun, WU Yue-yong, LI Shi-bao, HE Feng. Geological characteristics and ore-prospecting line of thinking of the Abag ore concentration area along the Sino-Mongolian Border[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2012, 39(3): 784-793.
    Citation: GUO Ling-jun, HAO Jun-feng, YANG Bo, LIU Yan-wen, ZHAO Zhi-jun, WU Yue-yong, LI Shi-bao, HE Feng. Geological characteristics and ore-prospecting line of thinking of the Abag ore concentration area along the Sino-Mongolian Border[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2012, 39(3): 784-793.


    Geological characteristics and ore-prospecting line of thinking of the Abag ore concentration area along the Sino-Mongolian Border

    • 摘要: 提要:中蒙边境阿巴嘎段位于内蒙古二连—东乌旗铜多金属成矿带上,近年来在该地区通过综合找矿方法相继在哈达特陶勒盖、莫若格钦、高尔旗、甘珠尔善德、阿扎哈达等地发现了一批以铅锌矿为主,伴生银的小型-中型中温脉状热液型矿床,确立了阿巴嘎旗北部铅锌矿集区的重要地位。本文对区域的和矿集区内的地质、地球物理、地球化学特征进行了归纳,结合矿集区内高尔旗、哈达特陶勒盖两个典型铅锌(银)矿床实例对该类矿床成矿特征进行了介绍,并从矿体赋存空间的角度得出该类矿床是受层(泥鳅河组地层)、位(断裂构造部位)共同作用的结果。最后根据该类矿床发现过程和成矿特点,提出了适合本区的找矿思路。


      Abstract: Abstract:The Abag Pb-Zn ore concentration area near the Sino-Mongolian border belongs to the Erenhot- Dong Ujimqin Banner copper-polymetallic ore belt. A series of Pb-Zn mesothermal deposits, such as Hadatetaolegai, Moruogeqing, Gaoerqi, Ganzhuershande and Azhahada, were recently found in this area by synthetic prospecting methods. The achievements acquired have established the Abag Pb-Zn ore concentration area as an important Pb-Zn resource district. This paper sums up features of geology, physical geography and geochemistry in the study area and describes characteristics of this kind of ore deposits with two typical Pb-Zn deposits of Gaoerqi and Hadatetaolegai as examples. Some conclusions have been reached from the angle of the spatial occurrence of the Pb-Zn ore body that this type of Pb-Zn deposits resulted from the joint action of the strata (Niqiuhe Formation) and structure location (faulted structure). In the end, this paper provides the line of thinking in search for this kind of Pb-Zn deposits according to their discovery processes and features.


