    李学杰. 广东大亚湾底质重金属分布特征与环境质量评价[J]. 中国地质, 2003, 30(4): 429-435.
    引用本文: 李学杰. 广东大亚湾底质重金属分布特征与环境质量评价[J]. 中国地质, 2003, 30(4): 429-435.
    LI Xu-jie. Distribution of heavy metals in substrate of the Daya Bay, Guangdong, and assessment of the quality of the seafloor environment[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2003, 30(4): 429-435.
    Citation: LI Xu-jie. Distribution of heavy metals in substrate of the Daya Bay, Guangdong, and assessment of the quality of the seafloor environment[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2003, 30(4): 429-435.


    Distribution of heavy metals in substrate of the Daya Bay, Guangdong, and assessment of the quality of the seafloor environment

    • 摘要: 提要:大亚湾是粤东的大型海湾,毗邻深港,其环境质量现状及发展趋势颇受关注。对大亚湾海域45个表层站位、1口浅钻及2个柱状样重金属元素Hg、As、Cd、Cu、Pb、Cr、Zn进行分析,并对底质环境质量进行定量评价。其结果:①大亚湾海域Hg、As、Cu的污染指数P i值均小于1.0,超标率为0,表明全区未受这些因子污染;②Cd、Zn、Pb、Cr 的污染指数P i值部分大于1.0,表明受到这些因子不同程度的污染,其中Pb的超标率最高,达93.3%,污染指数P i值为0.83~2.25,为良好—中等污染,总体为轻微污染;Zn的超标率为76.9%,P i值为0.25~2.63,变化较大,总体为轻微污染;Cd的超标率为60.0%,P i值为0.50~1.78,良好—轻微污染;Cr的超标率为17.8%,P i值为0.49~1.90,良好—轻微污染;③综合污染指数为1.08~2.21,平均1.37,表明本区均不同程度地受重金属污染,总体属轻微污染,其中范和港污染最为严重,SQI值多在1.5以上,其次为中央列岛附近海域。湾口和澳头—霞涌近岸海域污染较轻。从钻孔及柱状样的重金属含量分布来看,在表层没有明显增多的趋势。


      Abstract: Abstract:The Daya Bay is a big bay in eastern of Guangdong, adjoining Shenzhen and Hongkong. The current state and tendency of its environment attract attention of many researchers. The heavy metallic elements Hg, As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr and Zn in 45 samples of surface sediments, 85 samples from one drilling hole and 2 cores in the Daya Bay were analysed. Based on the distribution of heavy metals, the substrate environment was quantitatively assessed. The results are as follows. (1) The pollution indices Pi of Hg, As and Cu are all <1.0, suggesting that the entire bay is not polluted by these factors. (2) Some pollution indexes of Cd, Zn, Pb and Cr are > 1.0, suggesting that the bay is polluted by these factors to different degrees, of which the pollution index of Pb changes from 0.83 to 2.25, indicating low to moderate pollution and on the whole slight pollution; the index of Zn changes greatly from 0.25 to 2.63, generally showing slight pollution; the index changes from 0.50 to 1.78, showing low to slight pollution; the index of Cr changes from 0.49 to 1.90, showing low to slight pollution. (3) The synthetic pollution index (SQI) varies from 1.08 to 2.21, with a mean of 1.37, suggesting that the area is polluted by heavy metals to different degrees, generally showing slight pollution. The most serious pollution appears in the Fanhe Harbor, with most SQI values>1.5, and the second most serious pollution appears in the sea area near the Central islands. The mouth of the bay and the sea area off the coast from Aotou to Xiayong are less polluted. The contents of heavy metals on the surface have no marked tendency of increase, as shown from the distribution of the heavy metal contents of samples from the drilling hole and cores.


