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    Pb-Zn depsits on the perimeter of the Yangtze craton and on the margins of its uplifts
    RUI Zong-yao, YE Jin-hua, ZHANG Li-sheng, WANG Long-sheng, MEI Yan-xiong
    2004, 31(4): 337-346.
    Abstract PDF
    Bioturbation structures and paleogeography of mixed deposits of the Lower Ordovician Sandaokan Formation, Ordos basin
    FEI An-wei, LIU Cheng-lin, GAN Jun, ZHANG Zhong-tao
    2004, 31(4): 347-355.
    Abstract PDF
    Petrochemistry of volcanic rocks of the Yixian volcanic cycle in the Beipiao-Yixian area, western Liaoning
    PEND Yan-dong, ZHANG Li-dong, ZHANG Chang-jie, GUO Sheng-zhe, XING De-he, JIA Bin, CHEN Shu-wang, DING Qiu-hong
    2004, 31(4): 356-364.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and genesis of adakite-like granites at Yema Nanshan in the western segment of the Central Qilian Mountains
    SU Jian-ping, ZHANG Xin-hu, HU Neng-gao, FU Guo-min, ZHANG Hai-feng
    2004, 31(4): 365-371.
    Abstract PDF
    Qinling-Kunlun triple junction and isotope chronological evidence of its tectonic process
    SUN Yan-gui, ZHANG Guo-wei, GUO An-lin, WANG Jin
    2004, 31(4): 372-378.
    Abstract PDF
    SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of the Quli quartz diorite porphyry,Sanmenxia City,Henan,and its geological significance
    YANG De-bin, XU Wen-liang, WANG Dong-yan, WANG Qing-hai, PEI Fu-ping
    2004, 31(4): 379-383.
    Abstract PDF
    U-Pb and Sm-Nd dating of mafic dike swarms in southern Qiangtang, Qinghai-Tibet Pleatau and its tectonic significance
    LI Cai, HE Zhong-hua, LI Hui-min
    2004, 31(4): 384-389.
    Abstract PDF
    Chronology of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the source region of the Yangtze River
    WEI Jun-qi, Yao Hua-zhou, WANG Jian-xiong, NIU Zhi-jun, WANG Ming-Zhou
    2004, 31(4): 390-394.
    Abstract PDF
    Age of the Yongkang Group and Regional Stratigraphic Correlation
    LUO Yi-da, YU Yun-wen
    2004, 31(4): 395-399.
    Abstract PDF
    Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous strata and their sendimentary characteristics in the Qiangtang basin, northern Tibet
    TAN Fu-wen, WANG Jian, LI Yong-tie, DU Bai-wei, ZHU Zhong-fa
    2004, 31(4): 400-405.
    Abstract PDF
    Exploration and study of Carlin and Carlin-like type gold deposits:review and prospect
    ZHANG Fu-xin, XIAO Li, QI Ya-lin
    2004, 31(4): 407-412.
    Abstract PDF
    Minerageny of gibbsite in accumulation-type bauxite deposits in western Guangxi
    LIU Yun-hua, HUANG Tong-xing, CHEN Jian-guo, WEI Cong-zhong
    2004, 31(4): 413-419.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of regional geochemical anomalies and ore indications in the Wulonggou gold deposit
    ZOU Chang-yi, SHI Chang-yi
    2004, 31(4): 421-423.
    Abstract PDF
    Relationship between the depositonal environment and geochemistry of Permian hydrocarbon source rocks in the Turpan depression
    MIAO Jian-yu, ZHOU Li-fa, DENG Kong, HAN Zhong-yuan, BU Zhan-qi
    2004, 31(4): 424-430.
    Abstract PDF
    The method for anomaly inspection and ecological appraisal in multi-purpose geochemical survey in plain areas
    ZHU Li-xin, MA Sheng-ming, WANG Zhi-feng, WU Kun-ming, HU Shu-qi, LIU Chong-min
    2004, 31(4): 431-435.
    Abstract PDF
    Multifractal study of geochemical (anomaly) fields in the A’ercituoshan area, Qinghai
    ZOU Lin, PENG Sheng-lin, YANG Zi-an, LAI Jian-qing, ZHANG Pu-bin
    2004, 31(4): 436-441.
    Abstract PDF
    Greenhouse climate and ocean during the Cretaceous
    HU Xiu-mian
    2004, 31(4): 442-447.
    Abstract PDF