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    Completion and achievement of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project
    XU Zhi-qin, YANG Jing-sui, ZHANG Ze-ming, LIU Fu-lai, YANG Wen-cai, JIN Zhen-min, WANG Ru-cheng, LUO Li-qiang, HUANG Li, DONG Hai-liang
    2005, 32(2): 177-183.
    Abstract PDF
    General introduction on drilling techniques used in China’s First Deep Scientific Drilling Well CCSD-1
    WANG Da, ZHANG Wei
    2005, 32(2): 184-194.
    Abstract PDF
    Sm-Nd dating of eclogites from the main drill hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project and outcrops in the southwestern Sulu terrane, eastern China
    LIU Fu-lai, XUE Huai-min, MENG Fan-cong, XU Zhi-qin, LI Tian-fu, CHEN Shi-zhong
    2005, 32(2): 195-204.
    Abstract PDF
    Petrology of eclogites from the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drill Project
    ZHANG Ze-ming, ZHANG Jin-feng, XU Zhi-qin, LIU Fu-lai, YANG Jing-sui, XIAO Yi-lin, SHEN Kun
    2005, 32(2): 205-217.
    Abstract PDF
    Retrograde metamorphism of eclogites from the main hole (0-2000 m) of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling, Donghai, Jiangsu Province
    LIANG Feng-hua, SU Shang-guo, YOU Zhen-dong, ZHANG Ze-ming
    2005, 32(2): 218-229.
    Abstract PDF
    Vertical distribution characteristics and origin of radiogenic heat-producing elements (HPE) in the first 2000 m of the main hole of the CCSD Project
    ZENG Ling-sen, LIU Fu-lai, ZHANG Ze-ming, YANG Jing-sui, XU Zhi-qin
    2005, 32(2): 230-238.
    Abstract PDF
    Natural gamma-ray logging in the main hole (100-2000 m) of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project and its significance
    CHEN Shi-zhong, YANG Jing-sui, ZHANG Ze-ming, LIU Fu-lai, LI Tian-fu, QIU Hai-jun, NIU Yi-xiong, WANG Wen-xian, XU Hai-jun
    2005, 32(2): 239-248.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics of weakly metamorphosed orthogneisses outside the Wulian boundary fault along the northwestern margin of the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt and their protolith petrogenesis
    XUE Huai-min, LIU Fu-lai, XU Zhi-qin
    2005, 32(2): 249-258.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of the present crustal stress state by using acoustic emission in the main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling
    WANG Lian-jie, LI Peng-wu, CUI Jun-wen, DING Yuan-chen
    2005, 32(2): 259-264.
    Abstract PDF
    Deformational characteristics of the granitic gneiss unit from the 1113-1600 m core of the CCSD main hole
    TANG Zhe-min, CHAI Yao-chu, CHEN Shi-zhong, CHEN Fang-yuan
    2005, 32(2): 265-275.
    Abstract PDF
    Contact Relationship between the high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belts in the southern Sulu high-pressure-ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane and its geological significance
    QI Xue-xiang, XU Zhi-qin, QI Jin-zhong, CHEN Fang-yuan
    2005, 32(2): 276-286.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of the Nangang-Gaogongdao ductile shear zone in the South Su-Lu high-pressure metamorphic belt and EBSD fabric analysis of quartz
    QI Jin-zhong, QI Xue-xiang, CHEN Fang-yuan
    2005, 32(2): 287-298.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic framework of the eastern segment of the Central orogenic belt of China
    YANG Wen-cai
    2005, 32(2): 299-309.
    Abstract PDF
    Crustal P-wave velocity structure of the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt and mechanisms of its subduction and exhumation
    XU Ji-ren, ZHAO Zhi-xin
    2005, 32(2): 310-319.
    Abstract PDF
    Gas abnormalities in the 4820-4930 m interval of the CCSD main Hole and their preliminary interpretation
    ZHAN Xiu-chun, LUO Li-qiang, LI Ying-chun, TANG Li-jun, LI Dong
    2005, 32(2): 320-329.
    Abstract PDF
    Anomalous fluid compositions in mud of the CCSD main well and their relations to two nearby earthquakes of ML 3.9
    LI Sheng-qiang, SUN Qing, LUO Li-qiang, ZHAN Xiu-chun
    2005, 32(2): 330-335.
    Abstract PDF
    Network topology and management information system of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project
    SU De-chen, SUN Ai-ping, ZHENG Xing, WANG Wei, YANG Zhen-kun, GUO Li-ming
    2005, 32(2): 336-341.
    Abstract PDF