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    Sedimentary response of the Shangyi basin, northwestern Hebei, to the Late Jurassic tectonism
    HE Zheng-jun, NIU Bao-gui, ZHANG Xin-yuan
    2008, 35(2): 181-195.
    Abstract PDF
    Indosinian granitoids in the Zhidoi area in the northern segment of the Sanjiang belt, Qinghai: Their petrogenesis and zircon U-Pb dating
    WANG Bing-zhang, LUO Zhao-hua, ZENG Xiao-ping, WANG Yi-zhi, QI Sheng-sheng
    2008, 35(2): 196-206.
    Abstract PDF
    Petrogenesis of the Early Triassic Xichahe and Wulong plutons in the South Qinling Mountains and their tectonic significance
    WANG Juan, LI Xin, LAI Shao-cong, QIN Jiang-feng
    2008, 35(2): 207-216.
    Abstract PDF
    Major element geochemistry and genesis of Yanshanian mineralized granites in the polymetallic deposit concentration region, southern Hunan
    WU Guang-ying, XIAO Xu-chang, XIAO Qing-hui, WANG Tao, YAN Quan-ren, CHEN Hui-ming, MA Tie-qiu, BO Dao-yuan
    2008, 35(2): 217-231.
    Abstract PDF
    Method for the investigation of 3D Quaternary structure in the plain region of Hangzhou City
    GU Ming-guang, WANG Qing-hua, LU Cheng-zhong, QIN Xiang-xi, YU Guo-chun
    2008, 35(2): 232-238.
    Abstract PDF
    Overpressure in the well Pen-1 West subbasin in the interior of the Junggar basin
    YANG Zhi, HE Sheng, LI Qi-yan, ZHANG Yong-gang
    2008, 35(2): 239-245.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic evolution and sequence filling patterns in the western Sichuan foreland-like basin in the Upper Triassic Xujiahean period
    ZHENG Rong-cai, ZHU Ru-kai, ZHAI Wen-liang, GAO Hong-can, DAI Chao-cheng, GENG Wei
    2008, 35(2): 246-255.
    Abstract PDF
    Paleogene sequence stratigraphic framework and model in the Huanghua depression
    MIAO Shun-de, LI Qiu-fen, OUYANG Cheng
    2008, 35(2): 256-263.
    Abstract PDF
    High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of Block 2 in the interior of the Junggar basin
    PENG Yong-min, XIANG Kui, MU Tong-yu
    2008, 35(2): 264-272.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of Cenozoic subsurface temperatures of the Jiyang depression
    JIANG Hui -chao, XIAO Yong-jun, ZHOU Li
    2008, 35(2): 273-278.
    Abstract PDF
    Ordovician source rocks and natural gas potential in the southern Ordos basin marginal paleo-depression
    ZUO Zhi-feng, LI Rong-xi
    2008, 35(2): 279-285.
    Abstract PDF
    The age and mechanism of formation of the Jinwozi gold deposit, Xinjiang
    WANG Qing-li, CHEN Wen, HAN Dan, WANG Cheng-yu, LIU Xin-yu, ZHANG Si-hong
    2008, 35(2): 286-292.
    Abstract PDF
    Evidence from fission track thermochronology for the mineralization ages of sandstone copper deposits in the Fenghuoshan area, Qinghai
    YANG Zu-long, ZHANG De-quan, SHE Hong-quan, FENG Cheng-you
    2008, 35(2): 293-297.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics and geochemistry of ore-forming fluid in the Tongchang copper-gold polymetallic deposit, Shaanxi
    ZHOU Sheng-hua
    2008, 35(2): 298-304.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics of the Shangzhuangping Pb-Zn-Ag deposit in Songxian County, western Henan, and its geological significance
    YANG Jin-chao, FENG Sheng-bin, PENG Yi, YAN Chang-hai, ZENG Xian-you, WANG Jian-ming, HU Shao-bin
    2008, 35(2): 305-313.
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of the Yaojialing copper-lead-zinc deposit in Nanlin, Anhui, and its significance
    JIANG Qi-sheng, ZHAO Zi-hong, HUANG Jian-man
    2008, 35(2): 314-321.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and spatial distribution of spring water at Jinfo Mountain, Chongqing
    GAO Yan-fang, LI Hong-chun, SHEN Li-cheng, YANG Ping-heng
    2008, 35(2): 322-330.
    Abstract PDF
    Isotope features and supply sources of groundwater in the Yarkant River drainage area, Xinjiang
    WU Qian-qian, REN Jia-guo, XU Mo
    2008, 35(2): 331-336.
    Abstract PDF
    Method for the determination of objective weight-values in the comprehensive evaluation of mine environmental geological problems
    HE Fang, XU You-ning, YUAN Han-chun
    2008, 35(2): 337-343.
    Abstract PDF
    Method of regional early warning of geohazards based on the explicit statistical theory
    LIU Yan-hui, LIU Chuan-zheng, LIAN Jian-fa, WEN Ming-sheng, TANG Can
    2008, 35(2): 344-350.
    Abstract PDF
    Concept and method of assessment of the effect of cascade hydropower development on the ecological geo-environment
    XU Xiang-ning, GE Wen-bin, HUANG Run-qiu, TANG Chuan, LI Sheng-wei
    2008, 35(2): 351-356.
    Abstract PDF