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    Research on glacial/rock fall-landslide-debris flows in Sedongpu basin along Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet
    LIU Chuanzheng, LÜ Jietang, TONG Liqiang, CHEN Hongqi, LIU Qiuqiang, XIAO Ruihua, TU Jienan
    2019, 46(2): 219-234. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190201
    Abstract PDF
    Model and mechanism of "water exploration by cross layer" for high sulfate area in slope region of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau
    CAO Jianwen, XIA Riyuan, FANG Shangwu, ZHAO Liangjie, WANG Zhe, WANG Ruofan, YI Rui
    2019, 46(2): 235-243. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190202
    Abstract PDF
    3D geological modelling of superficial deposits in Beijing City
    HE Jing, HE Hanhan, ZHENG Guisen, LIU Yu, ZHOU YuanXin, XIAO JingZe, WANG Chunjun
    2019, 46(2): 244-254. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190203
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of geothermal resources in sedimentary basins
    ZHANG Wei, WANG Guiling, LIU Feng, XING Linxiao, LI Man
    2019, 46(2): 255-268. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190204
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of subsidence characteristics and affecting factors in the Pearl River Mouth Basin in Cenozoic
    MA Ming, QI Jiafu, ZHANG Yuanze, MIAO Quanyun, CHEN Weichang, ZHANG Shuai
    2019, 46(2): 269-289. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190205
    Abstract PDF
    The response characteristics of microbial diversity to shallow groundwater contamination in the piedmont of the Taihang Mountains using molecular biotechnologies: A case study of groundwater of Hutuo River Basin
    HE Ze, NING Zhuo, HUANG Guanxing, LIU Dandan, ZHANG Qianqian, SUN Jichao
    2019, 46(2): 290-301. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190206
    Abstract PDF
    Chemical ions source analysis and stable isotope implications of different water bodies in large karst underground river system: A case study of Poxin groundwater basin in Guangxi
    QIN Tong, TANG Qingjia, ZHANG Qiang, YANG Pingheng
    2019, 46(2): 302-315. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190207
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of the Paleogene water-bearing Formation in the middle and upper reaches of the Dawenhe River basin, Shandong Province
    ZHOU Le, LIU Yuanqing, LI Wei, ZHU Qingjun, LI Fengzhe, LÜ Lin, Deng Qijun, MA Xuemei, HE Jin
    2019, 46(2): 316-327. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190208
    Abstract PDF
    Groundwater age and renewability in the north of Muling-Xingkai plain
    SU Chen, CHENG Zhongshuang, ZHENG Zhaoxian, CHEN Zongyu
    2019, 46(2): 328-336. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190209
    Abstract PDF
    The age and isotopic characteristics of groundwater in Taiyuan Formation limestone aquifer of the Huaibei coalfield
    CHEN Song, GUI Herong
    2019, 46(2): 337-345. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190210
    Abstract PDF
    A study of flow path in Yuquanshan area of western Beijing based on integrated geophysical technology
    LI Qiaoling, LEI Xiaodong, YANG Yong, YANG Quanhe, LI Chen, GUAN Wei, SUN Jiefu
    2019, 46(2): 346-358. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190211
    Abstract PDF
    The impact of climatic warm-wet situation of the Tibetan Plateau on the water resources and environment in Qaidam Basin
    DANG Xueya, CHANG Liang, LU Na
    2019, 46(2): 359-368. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190212
    Abstract PDF
    Impact of future climate change on water resources in the arid regions of Northwest China based on surface water-groundwater coupling model: A case study of the middle reaches of the Heihe River
    WU Bin, WANG Sai, WANG Wenxiang, AN Yonghui
    2019, 46(2): 369-380. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190213
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanical analysis of apparent dip creep-buckling failure of Shanyang Super large-scale rockslide in Shaanxi Province
    WANG Jiayun, WANG Genlong, SHI Xiaoya
    2019, 46(2): 381-388. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190214
    Abstract PDF
    The control of the old (abandoned course of) Yellow River fault zone in Xuzhou on the karst collapse
    HUANG Jingjun, CUI Longyu, WU Xin, JIANG Su, JIANG Guoqing, XU Shiyin
    2019, 46(2): 389-397. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190215
    Abstract PDF
    Origin of grained dolomite from the Buqu Formation of Zaring area in southern Qiangtang depression
    TIAN Kangzhi, JI Changjun, YI Haisheng, TAN Mei, JIN Feng, FAN Lishun
    2019, 46(2): 398-406. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190216
    Abstract PDF
    Material composition and hydrocarbon potential of the shale of WufengLongmaxi Formation in northwestern Hunan
    GAO Li, WANG Zongxiu, LIANG Mingliang, ZHANG Linyan, LI Huijun, LI Chunlin, GAO Wanli
    2019, 46(2): 407-418. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190217
    Abstract PDF
    Application of lithium isotopes in genetic study of pegmatite deposits
    LI Xianfang, ZHANG Yujie, TIAN Shihong
    2019, 46(2): 419-429. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190218
    Abstract PDF
    Strontium-enriched areas discovered in Lianhuashan, Changchun
    SUN Qifa, TIAN Hui, GUO Xiaodong, YU Huiming
    2019, 46(2): 430-431. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190219
    Abstract PDF
    Important discovery of Devonian natural gas in Yunningdi 1 Well of Ninglang-Yanyuan area
    ZHANG Ziya, ZHANG Cong, SHI Dishi, QIN Yinglun, CHEN Rong, KANG Haixia
    2019, 46(2): 432-433. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190220
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of TSR evidence for marine shale gas reservoirs in Sichuan Basin
    LUO houyong, LIU Wenhui, WANG Xiaofeng, ZHANG Dongdong
    2019, 46(2): 434-435. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190221
    Abstract PDF
    First identification of~2.61Ga amphibolite in Jiefangyingzi area on the northern margin of the North China Craton
    CUI Yuliang, QU Hongjie, CHEN Yingfu, WANG sen
    2019, 46(2): 436-437. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190222
    Abstract PDF
    Disintegration of Guishan Formation-complex and delineation of subduction hyperplasia complex in East Qinling orogenic belt
    LI Chengdong, ZHAO Ligang, XU Yawen, CHANG Qingsong, XU Teng, TENG Xueming
    2019, 46(2): 438-439. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190223
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of Cambrian microbial reefs in Wuzhaigou, Luliang Mountain, Shanxi Province
    YANG Zhanbing, SU Dechen
    2019, 46(2): 440-441. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190224
    Abstract PDF
    International Earth Science Program for supergene fluid mineralization of sandstone type uranium ore deposit (IGCP675) successfully approved
    2019, 46(2): 442-442.
    Abstract PDF
    Trove of Cambrian fossils recently discovered in Changyang area, Yichang City, Hubei Province
    2019, 46(2): 443-444.
    Abstract PDF
    A brief analysis of geological survey tendency abroad in the postindustrialization era
    2019, 46(2): 445-445.
    Abstract PDF