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    Vertical distribution characteristics of light hydrocarbon components in Well SK-2 and its implications for deep oil and gas
    HOU Hesheng, ZHANG Jinchang, ZHANG Jiaodong, WANG Wenshi, YANG Liwei, XIAO Guangwu, FU Wei, MIAO Huixin, XU Shenglin, ZENG Qiunan, LIU Xufeng, WANG Dandan, ZHANG Wenhao
    2019, 46(5): 943-953. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190501
    Abstract PDF
    Significant Paleozoic tectonic events in the northern part of the East Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang and their implications for the evolution of CAOB: New evidence from 1: 50000 geological survey of Banfanggou and Xiaoliugou sheets
    WANG Guocan, ZHANG Meng, ZHANG Xionghua, LIAO Qun'an, WANG Wei, TIAN Jinming, XUAN Zeyou
    2019, 46(5): 954-976. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190502
    Abstract PDF
    The identification and subduction polarity of the Baiheshan ophiolite mélanges belt in the Beishan area, Inner Mongolia-New understanding based on the geological map of Qinghegou Sheet (1: 50000)
    NIU Wenchao, XIN Houtian, DUAN Lianfeng, WANG Genhou, ZHAO Zelin, ZHANG Guozhen, ZHENG Yilong
    2019, 46(5): 977-994. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190503
    Abstract PDF
    Fault system, deep structure and tectonic evolution of the Qilian Orogenic Belt, Northwest China
    CHEN Xuanhua, SHAO Zhaogang, XIONG Xiaosong, GAO Rui, LIU Xuejun, WANG Caifu, LI Bing, WANG Zengzhen, ZHANG Yiping
    2019, 46(5): 995-1020. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190504
    Abstract PDF
    Discussion on the initial timing of the Indosinian movement in the Ordos basin and the Sichuan basin: Constraints from growth strata evidence
    ZHANG Yiping, CHEN Xuanhua, ZHANG Jin, SHAO Zhaogang, DING Weicui, GUO Xiaogang, WANG Derun, GU Wenpei, WANG Ye, XU Shenglin, QIN Xiang
    2019, 46(5): 1021-1038. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190505
    Abstract PDF
    Deep structure of Yumushan tectonic zone and genesis of the uplift
    XIONG Xiaosong, GAO Rui, FENG Shaoying, LI Yingkang, HUANG Xinfu, CHEN Xuanhua, CHANG Yuju
    2019, 46(5): 1039-1051. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190506
    Abstract PDF
    Structural characteristics of Shahezi Formation beneath the Well SK-2 and its periphery: An analysis of logging and seismic data
    FU Wei, HOU Hesheng, ZHANG Jiaodong, LIU Cai, FENG Xuan, LU Zhanwu
    2019, 46(5): 1052-1060. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190507
    Abstract PDF
    Time of the ocean-continent transition in West Junggar: Constraints from zircon U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopic composition
    XU Shenglin, CHEN Xuanhua, LI Tingdong, DING Weicui, SHI Jianjie, LI Bing, MA Feizhou
    2019, 46(5): 1061-1078. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190508
    Abstract PDF
    The Early Cretaceous tectonic deformation stages and detrital zircon U-Pb ages of Pingshanhu Basin in Hexi Corridor
    SHAO Haohao, CHEN Xuanhua, ZHANG Da, SHAO Zhaogang, LI Bing, WANG Zengzhen, ZHANG Yiping, XU Shenglin, SHI Jianjie, MIAO Huixin
    2019, 46(5): 1079-1093. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190509
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of the Paleoproterozoic syenite in Helishan, Gansu Province, and its implications for the tectonic attribution of the Alxa Block
    WANG Zengzhen, CHEN Xuanhua, LI Bing, ZHANG Yiping, XU Shenglin
    2019, 46(5): 1094-1104. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190510
    Abstract PDF
    The Early Cretaceous granodiorites in the Aweng Co area, Tibet: Evidence for the subduction of the Bangong Co-Nujiang River oceanic crust to the south
    YIN Tao, LI Wei, YIN Xianke, ZHANG Wei, YUAN Huayun, PEI Yalun
    2019, 46(5): 1105-1115. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190511
    Abstract PDF
    Carboniferous-Permian stratigraphic thickness in northern Songliao Basin: Evidence from deep reflection seismic data
    KANG Xiaoqian, FENG Xuan, HOU Hesheng, SUN Chengcheng, LIU Qian, YU Hailong
    2019, 46(5): 1116-1125. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190512
    Abstract PDF
    The utilization of integrated geophysical profiles to reveal the basement geology and geophysical characteristics of the Songliao Basin: A case study of the profile of Well SK-2
    WANG Tianqi, HAN Jiangtao, HOU Hesheng, LIU Wenyu, GUAN Yanwu, MA Guoqing, ZHOU Zikun
    2019, 46(5): 1126-1136. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190513
    Abstract PDF
    Q value analysis of deep seismic reflection data of Well SK-2 and its determination of gas-bearing stratum
    GUO Rui, HOU Hesheng, FU Wei, YANG Jin, FENG Xuan, LU Zhanwu, ZHOU Huailai
    2019, 46(5): 1137-1145. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190514
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment and analysis of the best acquisition parameters for deep seismic reflection profiles in Huahai Basin
    WANG Guan, XIONG Xiaosong, GAO Rui, CHEN Xuanhua
    2019, 46(5): 1146-1160. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190515
    Abstract PDF
    Petrophysical characteristics of Huoshiling Formation from CCSD SK-2 in the Songliao Basin of Northeast China
    HU Dingyu, ZOU Changchun, PENG Cheng, WANG Wenshi, Lü Qingtian, HOU Hesheng, ZHU Yongyi, ZHANG Jinchang, ZHANG Hengchun, DING Yujiao, LIN Feng, CUI Liwei, DOU Rusheng, XU Changmin, ZHUO Kun, YANG Jinlei
    2019, 46(5): 1161-1173. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190516
    Abstract PDF
    Log response characteristics and lithological evaluation of volcanic rocks in Yingcheng Formation from the second scientific drilling borehole (SK-2 east borehole) in Songliao basin of Northeast China
    ZHAO Jinhuan, ZOU Changchun, WANG Wenshi, ZHANG Xiaohuan, ZHU Yongyi, ZHANG Jinchang, ZHANG Hengchun, DING Yujiao, LIN Feng, QIN Yuxing, ZHOU Hai, SUN Wenlong
    2019, 46(5): 1174-1183. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190517
    Abstract PDF
    High-temperature core drilling fluid technology of Well Songke-2
    XU Jie, ZHU Yongyi, WU Xiaoming, WANG Wenshi, ZHANG Hengchun, YAN Jia, CAO Longlong, XU Lin, ZHANG Linsheng, ZHENG Wenlong
    2019, 46(5): 1184-1192. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190518
    Abstract PDF
    Research and application of while drilling temperature measurement technology under high temperature and high pressure in Well Songke-2
    HU Yule, LIU Naipeng, WANG Wei, ZHANG Hengchun
    2019, 46(5): 1193-1199. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190519
    Abstract PDF
    A discussion on deep-well combined drill string technology for ultra-deep drilling engineering
    LI Lixin, ZHANG Fengyan, ZHANG Hengchun, WANG Wei, ZHANG Yi, HU Yule
    2019, 46(5): 1200-1208. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190520
    Abstract PDF
    Linear structure extraction and quantitative analysis of multi-source remote sensing information in West Junggar Basin
    HAN Lele, DING Weicui, CHEN Xuanhua, LIU Meiling, WANG Ye, XU Shenglin, ZHANG Da, CUI Yanjun
    2019, 46(5): 1209-1223. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190521
    Abstract PDF
    Research on the modes of occurrence and application of geothermal resources in the middle and deep layers of the piedmont area in southern Guanzhong Basin
    HONG Zenglin, ZHANG Yinlong, ZHOU Yang
    2019, 46(5): 1224-1235. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190522
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of Eocene 50Ma magmatic activity in the Nanjiang area in Sicuan
    LUO Maojin, MA Zhixin, SUN Zhiming, Ren Jingwei
    2019, 46(5): 1236-1237. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190523
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of the Late Triassic porphyry type Cu deposit from Gangdise metallogenic belt, Tibet
    LIU Hong, LI Guangming, HUANG Hanxiao, Zhang Linkui, Lü Menghong, LAN Shuangshuang, XIE Hui
    2019, 46(5): 1238-1240. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190524
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of tight gas and shale gas in Carboniferous strata in Guiweidi 1 well, Weining county, Guizhou Province
    FENG Weiming, LI Rong, ZHAO Zhan, YU Qian, XIE Yuan
    2019, 46(5): 1241-1242. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190525
    Abstract PDF
    Important evidence for gas hydrate occurrence in Wuli, Qinghai Province
    LIU Hui, ZHU Youhai, PANG Shouji, ZHANG Yongqin, LIANG Jian, ZHANG Jiazheng
    2019, 46(5): 1243-1244. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190526
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of spores and pollen assemblages from the Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation in the SK2 Borehole
    Zheng Yuejuan, Chen Shuwang, Zhang Dejun, Huang Xin
    2019, 46(5): 1245-1246. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190527
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of two different types of brine and its significance for copper enrichment in Kuqa evaporite basin, Xinjiang
    LU Kuan, XU Haiming, BO Ying, WANG Jun, CAO Yangtong
    2019, 46(5): 1247-1248. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190528
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of microbe in the beach rock cement along the coastal zone of the Qinghai Lake
    CHEN Ji, JIANG Zaixing, ZHANG Wangyi, LIU Chao, XU Wenmao
    2019, 46(5): 1249-1250. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190529
    Abstract PDF
    Japan promulgates Fifth Energy Resources Basic Plan
    2019, 46(5): 1251-1252.
    Abstract PDF