Paleo-interlayer oxidation zone identification and spatial localization prediction in Daying area
Interlayer oxidation in potential uranium reservoir is closely related to uranium mineralization. Paleo-interlayer oxidation zone is considered to be an important symbol in search for sandstone type uranium deposits. In this paper, core drilling data and mineralogy and geochemical characteristics of each sub-band of interlayer oxidation were used to identify the paleo-interlayer oxidation. Combined with paleo-oxidic and reductive properties of uranium geochemical markers in uranium reservoirs, paleointerlayer oxidation was spatial positioned quantitatively. Accordingly, paleo-completely-oxidized zone and transitional zone and reduction zone were divided and identified. On such a basis, the distribution of paleo-interlayer oxidation zone controlled by the scale of the uranium reservoir, barrier layers, the dark mudstone and coal seam and other factors was discussed.