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    Tectonic evolution and resource-environmental effect of China Seas and adjacent areas under the multisphere geodynamic system of the East Asia ocean-continent convergent belt since Mesozoic
    ZHANG Yong, YAO Yongjian, LI Xuejie, SHANG Luning, YANG Chupeng, WANG Zhongbo, WANG Mingjian, GAO Hongfang, PENG Xuechao, HUANG Long, KONG Xianghuai, WANG Jun, MI Beibei, ZHONG Hexian, CHEN Hongjun, WU Hao, LUO Weidong, MEI Xi, HU Gang, ZHANG Jiangyong, XU Ziying, TIAN Zhixian, WANG Zhe, LI Xia, WANG Zhonglei
    2020, 47(5): 1271-1309. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200501
    Abstract PDF
    The formation and evolution of the South China Sea
    LI Xuejie, WANG Zhe, YAO Yongjian, GAO Hongfang, ZHU Song, XU Ziying
    2020, 47(5): 1310-1322. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200502
    Abstract PDF
    Late Cenozoic evolution of East China continental margin and restoration of plate interaction processes
    SHANG Luning, ZHANG Yong, YAO Yongjian, WU Hao, HU Gang, TIAN Zhixian
    2020, 47(5): 1323-1336. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200503
    Abstract PDF
    The discrimination of Mesozoic sequence and its tectonic attribute in the southeastern South China Sea
    WANG Lijie, YAO Yongjian, SUN Zhen, LI Fucheng, YANG Chupeng, XU Ziying
    2020, 47(5): 1337-1354. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200504
    Abstract PDF
    Main achievements and understanding of 1:1 million regional geological survey of China Seas
    QIN Xuwen, SHI Xianyao, ZHANG Yong, LI Xuejie, LI Jun, XIAO Guiyi, XU Zhenqiang, WANG Hongbin, Lü Wenchao, WU Hao, YAO Yongjian, SHANG Luning, YANG Chupeng, WANG Zhongbo, GAO Hongfang, WANG Mingjian, MI Beibei, ZHONG Hexian, HU Gang, CHEN Hongjun, HUANG Long, LUO Weidong, MEI Xi, XU Ziying, TIAN Zhixian, WANG Zhonglei
    2020, 47(5): 1355-1369. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200505
    Abstract PDF
    The stratigraphy and depositional environments of China' s sea shelves since MIS5(74-128)ka
    WANG Zhongbo, ZHANG Jiangyong, MEI Xi, CHEN Xiaohui, ZHAO Li, ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Zhixun, LI Xuejie, LI Rihui, LU Kai, SUN Rongtao, YANG Shouye
    2020, 47(5): 1370-1394. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200506
    Abstract PDF
    The large deep-water turbidity fan system in southeastern South China Sea Basin: Formation and tectonic constraint
    GAO Hongfang, ZHONG Hexian, SUN Meijing, NIE Xin, JIANG Tao, HUANG Wenkai, DU Wenbo, CHEN Jiale
    2020, 47(5): 1395-1406. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200507
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of stratigraphic sedimentary in the south-north continental margin basin of the South China Sea and its differential control on hydrocarbon accumulation
    XIONG Liangli, YANG Chupeng, WU Jiaoqi, GAO Hongfang, YAO Yongjian, LI Xuejie, ZHU Xueying, CHENG Zihua
    2020, 47(5): 1407-1425. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200508
    Abstract PDF
    The age and geochemistry of volcanic rocks of Dongtaishan Island in northern Fujian and their response to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate
    WANG Feifei, ZHANG Yong, HAN Zongzhu, SONG Weiyu, WU Hao, NING Ze
    2020, 47(5): 1426-1437. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200509
    Abstract PDF
    The characteristics and formation mechanism of the faults in the southern part of the Zhongsha Bank
    XU Ziying, WANG Jun, GAO Hongfang, YAO Yongjian, ZHU Rongwei, TANG Jianglang, NIE Xin, SUN Meijing
    2020, 47(5): 1438-1446. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200510
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution regularity and sedimentary differentiation patterns of China seas surface sediments
    MEI Xi, LI Xuejie, MI Beibei, ZHAO Li, WANG Zhongbo, ZHONG Hexian, YANG Hao, HUANG Xiangtong, HE Mengying, XIONG Wei, ZHANG Yong
    2020, 47(5): 1447-1462. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200511
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic characteristics and sedimentary responses of the southwest Subbasin of the South China Sea
    NIE Xin, QIU Yan, MANUEL Pubellier, WANG Jun, ZHU Rongwei, DU Wenbo
    2020, 47(5): 1463-1473. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200512
    Abstract PDF
    Geological structure of the large section in eastern China's sea areas and its constraint on comprehensive stratigraphic division
    WANG Mingjian, ZHANG Yong, PAN Jun, HUANG Long, CHEN Xiaohong, LUO Di, HOU Fanghui, SHANG Luning
    2020, 47(5): 1474-1485. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200513
    Abstract PDF
    Carbonate cycle in sub-bottom strata in the South China Sea and the east sea area of Taiwan Island
    ZHANG Jiangyong, ZHAO Li, LI Bo, LI Xuejie, ZHONG Hexian, TIAN Chengjing
    2020, 47(5): 1486-1500. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200514
    Abstract PDF
    Clay mineral provenance and its response to paleochimate in the central Okinawa Trough since the last Deglaciation (19 ka)
    TIAN Xu, HU Bangqi, WANG Feifei, HUANG Wei, DING Xue, SONG Weiyu, XU Fangjian
    2020, 47(5): 1501-1511. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200515
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and origin of disaster geological bodies in the northern outer shelf of the East China Sea and its adjacent areas
    CHEN Shanshan, WANG Zhongbo, ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Zhixun, ZHAO Weina, ZHONG Weijie
    2020, 47(5): 1512-1529. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200516
    Abstract PDF
    The rare earth element content in surface sediments of coastal areas in eastern China's sea areas and an analysis of material sources
    MI Beibei, ZHANG Yong, MEI Xi, QIU Xiaohua, ZHAO Weina, LAN Xianhong
    2020, 47(5): 1530-1541. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200517
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary system, stratigraphic architecture and petroleum exploration prospect in the western Taiwan Strait
    DU Wenbo, HUANG Wenkai, ZHU Hongtao, ZHANG Lu, JAKUB Miluch
    2020, 47(5): 1542-1553. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200518
    Abstract PDF
    Development characteristics and genesis of sand wave groups and their influence on offshore engineering applications in Minjiang estuary-Sansha bay estuary coastal area, Fujian Province
    YI Shantang, WU Chengqiang, LIN Jijiang, HU Xiaosan, LUO Weidong
    2020, 47(5): 1554-1566. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200519
    Abstract PDF
    The Potential evaluation of marine sand resources in the northern sea areas of Hainan Island
    TONG Changliang, ZHANG Kuanghua, CHEN Fei, GOU Pengfei
    2020, 47(5): 1567-1576. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200520
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance feature of Upper Oligocene to Early Miocene in Liwan Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin and its influence on depositional filling
    XING Zuochang, ZHANG Zhongtao, LIN Changsong, ZHANG Bo, HONG Fanghao, ZHANG Zhengtao
    2020, 47(5): 1577-1588. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200521
    Abstract PDF
    Re-Os dating of molybdenite from Guzhuang diorite in the Jiaodong peninsula and its geological significance
    LI Jie, ZHANG Lipeng, LI Congying, SONG Mingchun
    2020, 47(5): 1589-1590. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200522
    Abstract PDF
    Formation age of the Dahongliutan pegmatite type rare metal deposit in Western Kunlun Mountains: Evidence from muscovite 40Ar/39Ar isotopic dating
    QIAO Gengbiao, WU Yuezhong, LIU Tuo
    2020, 47(5): 1591-1593. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200523
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of a thick shale gas hydrocarbon-generating layer in the Lower Permian Shoushangou Formation, Mengxidi No. 1 Well, Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia
    SHI Lizhi, ZHANG Yingli, ZHANG Yongsheng, MIAO Zhongying, ZHAO Hanting, WANG Biao, LOU Pengcheng, CUI Xingyu
    2020, 47(5): 1594-1595. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200524
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenic epoch of the Xiangping tungsten deposit in Ningshan County, Shaanxi Province: Evidence from hydrothermal zircon U-Pb age
    ZHANG Wang, WANG Juli, ZHANG Kai, HU Yang, LIU Wenjian
    2020, 47(5): 1596-1598. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200525
    Abstract PDF
    Eircon U-Pb age of amphibolite from the Qinling Complex in the Weiziping area, Qinling Orogenic Belt
    ZHAO Yuhang, GOU Longlong, XU Xiaofei, ZHOU Feng
    2020, 47(5): 1599-1601. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200526
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics of 111 typical gold deposits in the world
    , ,
    2020, 47(5): 1602-1621.
    Abstract PDF