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    Structure of the lower crust and detachment and subduction of the lithosphere of the South Qinling
    LU Feng-xiang, WANG Chun-yang, HU Bao-qun, WU Qi-fan, ZHENG Jian-ping
    2003, 30(2): 113-119.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantitative analysis of the deformation structure and use and development of the Mohr circle
    LIU Rui-xun, Lü Gu-xian, WANG Fang-zheng, WANG Shi-feng
    2003, 30(2): 120-122.
    Abstract PDF
    Structural characteristics and genetic mechanism of the Meso-Cenozoic Yingjisu piggyback foreland basin
    LI De-lun, DUAN Ji-ye, LIANG Gui-xiang, SHAN Xuan-long, CHENG Xin-min
    2003, 30(2): 123-129.
    Abstract PDF
    Information about ore deposit formation in different epochs:Age of the west orebodies of the Bayan Obo deposit with a discussion
    ZHANG Zong-qing, TANG Suo-han, WANG Jin-huai, YUANG Zhong-xin, BAI Ge
    2003, 30(2): 130-137.
    Abstract PDF
    Strontium isotopic curve of the Carboniferous in Huishui, Guizhou, and chronostratigraphic correlation
    SHI He, HUANG Si-jing, ZHAO Peng-xiao
    2003, 30(2): 138-143.
    Abstract PDF
    Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China
    BAI Wen-ji, YANG Jing-sui, FANG Qing-song, YAN Bing-gang, SHI Ren-deng
    2003, 30(2): 144-150.
    Abstract PDF
    Genetic diversity of sillimanite-quartz aggregates in the Wanzhi Group and related rocks at Pingshan, Hebei——Geological and geochemical constraints
    WAN Yu-sheng, HUANG Zeng-fang, YANG Chong-hui, LIU Zeng-xiao
    2003, 30(2): 151-158.
    Abstract PDF
    Evidence of magmatic petrology for the Yanshanian orogeny in the Dabie orogen
    DAI Sheng-qian, DENG Jin-fu, WU Zong-xu, ZHAO Hai-ling, CHEN Jiang-feng, DU Jian-guo
    2003, 30(2): 159-165.
    Abstract PDF
    Features and genesis of Caledonian granites in the Wugongshan in the eastern segment of the northern margin of South China plate
    WU Fu-jiang, ZHANG Fang-rong
    2003, 30(2): 166-172.
    Abstract PDF
    Ore prospects of the West Kunlun area in western China
    DONG Yong-guan, GUO Kun-yi, XIAO Hui-liang, ZHANG Chuan-lin, Wang Ai-guo, ZHAO Yu
    2003, 30(2): 173-178.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics of paleokarst type gold deposits in western Guangxi
    LUO Yun-yi
    2003, 30(2): 179-185.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics and ore prospects of underground leaching sandstone-type uranium deposits on the southwestern margin of the Turpan-Hami basin
    ZHOU Qiao-sheng, LI Zhan-you
    2003, 30(2): 186-191.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical prognosis method of mineral deposits: A case study of the geochemical block in Gansu
    LI Tong-guo, LI Wen-sheng, LIU Jian-hong, ZHAO Yan-qing, BEI Yun-lai
    2003, 30(2): 192-198.
    Abstract PDF
    Disintegration of the Wanbaogou Group and discovery of Early Cambrian strata in the East Kunlun area
    A Cheng-ye, WANG Yi-zhi, REN Jin-qi, BAO Guang-pu
    2003, 30(2): 199-206.
    Abstract PDF
    Several problems about the Paleoproterozoic geology of eastern Liaodong
    CHEN Rong-du, LI Xian-dong, ZHANG Fu-sheng
    2003, 30(2): 207-213.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications of the remote sensing technique in eco-environmental division in Qinghai Province
    SUN Yan-gui, ZHANG Guo-wei, WANG Dong-qing, ZHANG Xian-ting, LI Dong-ling
    2003, 30(2): 214-219.
    Abstract PDF
    Classification of karst water systems in karst down-faulted basins of the southwestern China karst region
    WANG Yu
    2003, 30(2): 220-224.
    Abstract PDF