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    Geochemical characteristics of Pt-Pd-Cu ore-bearing formations in eastern Yunnan and analysis of their ore potentiality
    CHEN Yong-qing, XIA Qing-lin, LIU Hong-guang
    2003, 30(3): 225-234.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation of gravity anomaly of the velocity profile from wide-angle reflection seismic profiling and the granite belt in the Dabie Mountains
    YUAN Wei-zheng, XU Xin-zhong, LEI Jiang-suo, YUAN Xue-cheng
    2003, 30(3): 235-239.
    Abstract PDF
    Apatite fission-track records of the tectonic uplift of the central segment fo the Kunlun Mountains on the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    BAI Dao-yuan, MENG De-bao, LIU Yao-rong, MA Tie-qiu
    2003, 30(3): 240-246.
    Abstract PDF
    New view of the stratigraphic division and age of the Gaiyang Group in northwestern Fujian—A case study of the Gaiyang area, Mingxi
    HU Zong-liang, CHEN Xing-gao, WANG Fang-zhan, WU Ze-you
    2003, 30(3): 247-253.
    Abstract PDF
    Reconstruction of protoliths of metamorphic rocks of the Xingzi Group and discrimination of their tectonic setting
    ZHANG Hai-xiang, ZHANG Bo-you
    2003, 30(3): 254-260.
    Abstract PDF
    Origin of the Duolun ring image, Inner Mongolia
    BAI Zhi-da, GU De-lin, XU De-bin, ZHAO Guo-chun
    2003, 30(3): 261-267.
    Abstract PDF
    Triassic sedimentation and basin evolution in the western Qinling
    LI Yong-jun, ZHAO Ren-fu, LIU Zhi-wu, DONG Jun-gang
    2003, 30(3): 268-273.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy of Lower Ordovician reef-bearing strata in the Middle Yangtze platform
    XIAO Chuan-tao, ZHU Zhong-de, LI Xiang-ming
    2003, 30(3): 274-280.
    Abstract PDF
    Depositional systems and evolution of the Touchengzi Formation in the Pingquan area, Hebei
    JIA Jian-cheng, SUN Li-xin, ZHANG De-sheng, LU Yan-ming, ZHAO Wei-ying
    2003, 30(3): 281-285.
    Abstract PDF
    Basin-Range coupling between the Dabie orogen and the Meso-Cenozoic basins along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province
    WU Yue-dong, JIANG Lai-li, CHU Dong-ru, WU Wei-ping, WU Hai-quan, WANG De-hua
    2003, 30(3): 286-292.
    Abstract PDF
    Laser microprobe 40Ar/39Ar dating of argillite in the Daqingshang thrust nappe structure in Inner Mongolia
    LIU Zheng-hong, XU Zhong-yuan, YANG Zhen-sheng
    2003, 30(3): 293-296.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of the host strata of Ag-Pb-Zn deposits in Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia and a discussion of their age
    SHU Guang-long, LIU Ji-sun, MA Guang
    2003, 30(3): 297-301.
    Abstract PDF
    Looking forward to the prospects of porphyry copper deposits in Tibet
    RUI Zong-yao, LU Yan, LI Guang-ming, WANG Long-sheng, WANG Yi-tian
    2003, 30(3): 302-308.
    Abstract PDF
    Development pattern of salt rocks in the Puwei subdepression of the Dongpu depression and their genesis
    QU Hong-jun, LI Wen-hou, MIAO Jian-yu, PANG Jun-gang
    2003, 30(3): 309-314.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics of the formation of the large Tahe oilfield in the Tarim basin and its prospects
    KANG Yu-zhu
    2003, 30(3): 315-319.
    Abstract PDF
    Some supergene deformation structures in marly limestone in the Three-Gorges region and their relation to geohazards
    ZHANG Jia-gui, CHEN Qing-xuan, CHAI Xiu-hua
    2003, 30(3): 320-324.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics of the Kaschin-Beck disease districts in the Aba area, Sichuan
    ZHAO Qi, SHEN Qian-bin, ZENG Xiang-gui
    2003, 30(3): 325-329.
    Abstract PDF
    Methods of assessing the ecological geology of forest shallow cover areas in the Da Hinggan Mountains —— A Case study of 1∶25000 regional geological Survey, Fuzhong
    MA Jiang-shui, LI Yang-chun, REN Feng-he, YOU Fu-zhen, LI Qing-wei
    2003, 30(3): 330-336.
    Abstract PDF