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    A tectonic model for porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold metallogenic belts on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    HOU Zeng-qian, ZHONG Da-lai, DENG Wan-ming
    2004, 31(1): 1-14.
    Abstract PDF
    Two tectonic systems in the Cenozoic Bohai Bay basin and their genetic interpretation
    QI Jia-fu
    2004, 31(1): 15-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Late Cenozoic tectonic deformation history and uplift process of the Panxi region, western Sichuan
    ZHANG Yue-qiao, YANG Nong, MENG Hui, CHEN Wen
    2004, 31(1): 23-33.
    Abstract PDF
    Structure in western Shandong and its genetic mechanism
    NIU Shu-yin, HU Hua-bin, MAO Jing-wen, SUN Ai-qun, XU Chuan-shi, HOU Quan-lin
    2004, 31(1): 34-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of the complete isomorphous series of ZnS-CdS in nature and its preliminary study
    LIU Tie-geng, ZHANG Qian, YE Lin, SHAO Shu-xun
    2004, 31(1): 40-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Paleo-karst landforms on top of limestone of the Maokou Formation in the west of the Upper Yangtze platform and its geological significance
    HE Bin, WANG Ya-mei, JIANG Xiao-wei
    2004, 31(1): 46-50.
    Abstract PDF
    Time-space structure and evolution of the arc-basin system on the southern side of the Bangong Co-Nujiang junction zone
    CAO Sheng-hua, LUO Xiao-chuan, TANG Feng-lin, CHEN Lu-gen
    2004, 31(1): 51-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Nd, Sr and Pb isotope geochemistry of Yanshanian granitoids in eastern Inner Mongolia and their origins
    XIAO Cheng-dong, ZHANG Zhong-liang, ZHAO Li-qing
    2004, 31(1): 57-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Petrological characteristic of volcanic rocks in the Shiden-Tu’e area, Lanping County, Yunnan
    LI Mei
    2004, 31(1): 64-69.
    Abstract PDF
    Basic results of multi-target geochemical survey in the Nanjing area and its relevant problems
    LIAO Qi-lin, Wu Xin-min, WENG Zhi-hua, ZHU Bai-wan, PAN Yong-min, CHEN Bao, JIN Yang
    2004, 31(1): 70-77.
    Abstract PDF
    Stable isotope geochemistry of three typical gold deposits in the West Qinling
    FENG Jian-zhong, WANG Dong-bo, WANG Xue-ming, SHAO Shi-cai
    2004, 31(1): 78-84.
    Abstract PDF
    Rare element geochemistry of the Mujiazhuang copper deposit in the Zhashan area, Shaanxi
    ZHU Hua-ping, Zhang De-quan, Liu Ping, Chen Lian-hong
    2004, 31(1): 85-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Structural significance of the lead isotopic composition of the Shibaqinghao gold deposit, Central Inner Mongolia
    LIANG Yi-hong
    2004, 31(1): 91-95.
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon SHRIMP dating of the Cailing granite on the eastern margin of the Qitianling granite, Hunan, South China, and its significance
    FU Jian-ming, MA Chang-qian, XIE Cai-fu, ZHANG Ye-ming, PENG Song-bai
    2004, 31(1): 96-100.
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenic conditions of in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium deposits and dynamic evolution of the Turpan-Hami basin
    WU Bo-lin, XU Gao-zhong, LI Wei-hong, GONG Bing-li, ZHANG Fu-xin
    2004, 31(1): 101-107.
    Abstract PDF
    Application prospects of the seismic method as discussed from the experimental effects of the method for metal exploration
    XU Ming-cai, GAO Jing-hua, RONG Li-xin, LIU Jian-xun
    2004, 31(1): 108-112.
    Abstract PDF