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    Deep tectono-magmatic setting for metallogenesis of large porphyry copper deposits
    ZHAO Wen-jin
    2007, 34(2): 179-205.
    Abstract PDF
    Status and development trend of geological map compilation in the world
    LI Ting-dong
    2007, 34(2): 206-211.
    Abstract PDF
    Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic framework of southern Northeast Asia
    GE Xiao-hong, MA Wen-pu
    2007, 34(2): 212-228.
    Abstract PDF
    Problem of westward extension of the Altyn Tagh fault belt discussed from the structural characteristics of the Gozha Co fault
    LU Ru-kui, ZHANG Guo-wei, ZHONG Hua-ming, TONG Jin-song, XIA Jun, CAI Xiao-bing
    2007, 34(2): 229-239.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary-subsidence history and tectonic evolution of the Jiaolai basin, eastern China
    LI Jin-liang, ZHANG Yue-qiao, LIU Zong-quan, REN Feng-lou, YUAN Jia-yin
    2007, 34(2): 240-250.
    Abstract PDF
    Chronology of the Precambrian metamorphic series in the Alxa area, Inner Mongolia
    GENG Yuan-sheng, WANG Xin-she, SHEN Qi-han, WU Chun-ming
    2007, 34(2): 251-261.
    Abstract PDF
    SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of Neoarchean metagabbro dikes on the southwestern margin of the Tarim plate and its significance
    LI Dun-peng, LI Xin-lin, ZHOU Xiao-kang, LI Wei, DU Shao-xi, DAI Xin-yu, GAO Xiao-ping, LIU You-qi
    2007, 34(2): 262-269.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and zircon U-Pb dating of the Kumdaban rock mass swarm on the northern margin of the Azhong block
    CHEN Bo
    2007, 34(2): 270-275.
    Abstract PDF
    Reservoir diagenesis and fluid-rock interaction simulation of the Sulige gas field in the Ordos basin
    ZHU Xiao-min, SUN Chao, LIU Cheng-lin, ZHONG Da-kang, YAN Qi-tuan
    2007, 34(2): 276-282.
    Abstract PDF
    Diagenesis of sandstone in the Majiashan-Xiaojianzi oilfield, Ordos basin and its effect on reservoirs
    YANG Ren-chao, FAN Ai-ping, HAN Zuo-zhen, LIU Yi-qun
    2007, 34(2): 283-288.
    Abstract PDF
    Three-stages magma mixing in the Weiya ore district, Xinjiang
    WANG Yu-wang, WANG Jing-bin, WANG Li-juan, FANG Tong-hui
    2007, 34(2): 289-299.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics of paleovolcanic edifices in the Xiong'er Group, Ruyang County, Henan, and their significance
    YAN Hai-qi, ZHAO Wu-zhou, YUN Hui
    2007, 34(2): 300-305.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics and genesis of the Ulan Uzhur porphyry copper deposit in Qinghai
    SHE Hong-quan, ZHANG De-quan, JING Xiang-yang, GUAN Jun, ZHU Hua-ping, FENG Cheng-you, LI Da-xin
    2007, 34(2): 306-314.
    Abstract PDF
    On the types of phosphate deposit in northern China band direction for ore finding
    SONG Tian-rui
    2007, 34(2): 315-323.
    Abstract PDF
    New Advances in the study of the gigantic Gangdise porphyry copper metallogenic zone, Tibet
    ZHENG You-ye, DUO Ji, WANG Rui-jiang, CHENG Shun-bo, ZHANG Gang-yang, FAN Zi-hui, GAO Shun-bao, DAI Fang-hua
    2007, 34(2): 324-334.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of ore-forming fluids of the Shihu gold deposit, western Hebei
    LIU Wei, DAI Ta-gen, FU Wen-jie, SUN Sang-dun, HU Bin
    2007, 34(2): 335-341.
    Abstract PDF
    Role and significance of geochemical exploration in the discovery of the Dayangshugou molybdenum deposit, Liaoning
    ZHU Jian-hua
    2007, 34(2): 342-346.
    Abstract PDF
    Natural Se-rich tea in local Se-rich soils in southern Jiangsu
    LIAO Qi-lin, HUA Ming, FENG Jin-shun, JIN Yang, WU Xin-min, YAN Chao-yang, ZHU Bai-wan
    2007, 34(2): 347-353.
    Abstract PDF
    Assessments of agricultural eco-environmental quality of topsoils in Fuzhou City
    WEI Wei-xing
    2007, 34(2): 354-358.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress in the construction of the spatial database of the 1∶1 million Geological Map of China
    HAN Kun-ying, DING Xiao-zhong, LI Ting-dong, FAN Ben-xian, ZHANG Qing-he, JU Yuan-jing, PANG Jian-feng, KE Xue, WANG Zhen-yang
    2007, 34(2): 359-364.
    Abstract PDF