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    Sedimentary basin reservoir-forming/mineralization system
    LIU Chi-yang, ZHANG Fu-xin, GAO Fei
    2007, 34(3): 365-374.
    Abstract PDF
    Meso-Cenozoic peak-age events and their tectono-sedimentary response in the Ordos basin
    CHEN Gang, WANG Zhi-wei, BAI Guo-juan, SUN Jian-bo, ZHANG Hui-ruo, LI Xiang-dong
    2007, 34(3): 375-383.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic attribute of the western Ordos basin during the Late Triassic
    ZHAO Hong-ge, LIU Chi-yang, WANG Jian-qiang, WANG Feng, YIN Yan
    2007, 34(3): 384-391.
    Abstract PDF
    Some important problems on the structural study of the western Ordos block
    WANG Feng, ZHAO Hong-ge
    2007, 34(3): 392-399.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and geological significance of sandstone dikes in the Triassic Yanchang Formation of the Ordos basin
    LI Yuan-hao, LIU Chi-yang, WANG Xiu-juan, GUO Zheng-quan
    2007, 34(3): 400-405.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphic characteristics of the Yanchang Formation in the Longdong area and their significance for petroleum exploration
    GUO Yan-qin, LI Wen-hou, CHEN Quan-hong, LIANG Ji-wei, YU Fang, HE Wei-jun
    2007, 34(3): 406-413.
    Abstract PDF
    Identification of sequence boundaries of different orders in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in northern Shaanxi, Ordos basin
    DANG Ben-3, ZHAO Hong, LI Wen-Hou, CHEN Yong-Sheng, ZHENG Xiao-Jie, YAN Zhou-Quan, JIA Yu-Qin
    2007, 34(3): 414-421.
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance analysis of the Sixth Member of the Yanchang Formation in the Yangjiayuanze oil prospect area, Zichang oilfield, Ordos basin
    ZHAO Jun-ying, LUO Jing-lan, LEI Xiao-lan, GUO De-yun, WANG Yong-dong, FAN Wan-hong, XIA Hui-ping
    2007, 34(3): 422-429.
    Abstract PDF
    Relationship between the geochemical characteristics and sedimentary environment of Permian hydrocarbon source rocks in the Ordos basin
    MIAO Jian-yu, ZHAO Jian-she, LIU Chi-yang, ZHU Ya-jun, WANG Wu-long
    2007, 34(3): 430-435.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of laser Raman spectra of bitumen in oil in the Ordos basin
    YANG Lei, LIU Chi-yang, HE Ying, LI Hong-ying
    2007, 34(3): 436-439.
    Abstract PDF
    Sm-Nd isotope study of chloroform bitumen in various energy minerals of the Ordos basin
    PAN Ai-fang, HE Ying, Ll Rong-jian
    2007, 34(3): 440-444.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of the genesis of the water-rich oil reservoir in the Lijiacha prospect area in the east of the northern Shaanxi slope
    SHI Bao-hong, ZHAO Jing-zhou, MENG Xiang-zhen, LUO Ran-hao
    2007, 34(3): 445-449.
    Abstract PDF
    Relation between sedimentary facies of the Luohe Formation in the Changqing Oilfield, Longdong, and casing corrosion and damage
    ZHANG Feng-Kui, ZHANG Lin, ZHOU Zhi-ping, JIANG Zhi-hui, FAN Hong-qi, ZHANG Zhong-yi
    2007, 34(3): 450-454.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological and geochemical characteristics of escaped hydrocarbon epigenetic alteration in the Dongsheng mineral deposit and its significance
    WU Bo-lin, QIU Xin-wei
    2007, 34(3): 455-462.
    Abstract PDF
    Experimental simulation study of the role of organic matter in the formation of uranium deposits
    SUN Qing-jin, ZHANG Wei-hai, ZHANG Wei-ping, ZHAO Jian-she, MIAO Jian-yu, SUN Wei, LIU Chi-yang
    2007, 34(3): 463-469.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of hydrocarbon migration on sandstone-type uranium mineralization in basins of northern China
    QUAN Jian-ping, FAN Tai-liang, XU Gao-zhong, LI Wei-hong, CHEN Hong-bin
    2007, 34(3): 470-477.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological significance of weak information enhancement of airborne gamma energy spectral data for sandstone type uranium deposits
    ZHAO Xi-gang, WU Han-ning, YANG Jian-jun, ZHANG Yun-yi, ZHAO Cui-ping, BAI Guan-jun, WANG Jing-hua
    2007, 34(3): 478-485.
    Abstract PDF
    Geophysical indicators of oil, natural gas, coals, sandstone uranium and their applications in co-exploration of multiple energy minerals
    WU Tian-hong, WANG Yi, WANG Chuan-gang
    2007, 34(3): 486-489.
    Abstract PDF
    Carboniferous-Permian coalbed methane-accumulating stages in the Qinshui basin Shanxi
    XIAO Hui, REN Zhan-li, CUI Jun-ping
    2007, 34(3): 490-496.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and tectonic setting of cherts in the Langzuizi Formation of the Xiangshan Group
    DENG Kun, ZHOU Li-fa, CAO Xin, WANG Hai-jiang, HU Peng
    2007, 34(3): 497-505.
    Abstract PDF
    Primary boundary of Early Jurassic Badaowanian sediments in the Yanqi basin Xinjiang
    CHEN JIAN-jun, LIU CHI-yang, YANG Xing-ke, CHEN Jian-rong, MENG Xian-hai, HAN Peng
    2007, 34(3): 506-514.
    Abstract PDF
    New advances in the study of Ordovician sedimentary reservoirs in Lunnan, Tarim basin
    LIU Jing-jiang, LIU Chi-yang, SUN Hong-hai
    2007, 34(3): 515-521.
    Abstract PDF
    Relations between the thermal history and petroleum generation in the Huh Lake depression, Hailar basin
    CUI Jun-ping, REN Zhan-li, XIAO Hui
    2007, 34(3): 522-527.
    Abstract PDF
    Reservoir characteristics and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks in the Yingcheng Formation of the Shengping gas field, northern Songliao basin
    DAI Ya-quan, LUO Jing-lan, LIN Tong, YANG Zhi-sheng, ZHANG Jun, LIU Shu-yun, XIA Hui-ping
    2007, 34(3): 528-535.
    Abstract PDF
    Outlook for the relationships of production, demand and supply of the world's main energy minerals
    QIU Xin-wei, LIU Chi-yang
    2007, 34(3): 536-542.
    Abstract PDF