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    Research Progress and Prospect of Geological Environment in Main Endemic Disease Area
    ZHANG Fu-cun, WEN Dong-guang, GUO Jian-qiang, ZHANG Er-yong, HAO Ai-bing, AN Yong-hui
    2010, 37(3): 551-562.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological environment characteristics and etiology research on Kaschin-Beck disease in China
    AN Yong-hui, JIA Xiao-feng, LI Xu-feng, HE Jin, HAN Shuang-bao, ZHANG Hui
    2010, 37(3): 563-570.
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution characteristics of Kaschin-Beck disease in relation to geological environment of Zoige County
    AN Yong-hui, LI Xu-feng, HE Jin, JIA Xiao-feng, LI Liang
    2010, 37(3): 567-593.
    Abstract PDF
    Chemical composition of water environment in Kaschin-Beck disease areas of China: a summary
    LIU Guo, XU Mo, TONG Jing, ZHAO Rui, LI Ming-bo
    2010, 37(3): 571-576.
    Abstract PDF
    The relationship between the Kaschin-Beck disease and the geological environment in Jilin Province
    WANG Yan-liang, HOU Wei, HOU Zhan-qing, XIONG Shao-li
    2010, 37(3): 577-581.
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of the pathogenic factors of drinking water and the water supply pattern in the Kaschin-Beck disease area of Zamgtang County, Sichuan Province
    LI Sheng-wei, ZHAO Song-jiang, CAO Nan, TANG Sheng-hai
    2010, 37(3): 594-599.
    Abstract PDF
    Trace element analysis of water environment in Kaschin-Beck disease area, Zamtang County, northwest Sichuan plateau
    XU Mo, LIU Guo, CHEN Xu, HUANG Ji, ZHANG Xi, ZHONG Jin-xian
    2010, 37(3): 600-606.
    Abstract PDF
    Leonid V. Zamana
    2010, 37(3): 607-613.
    Abstract PDF
    The distribution regularity and causes of fluoride in groundwater of the fluorosis area, Songnen plain
    TANG Jie, BIAN Jian-min, LI Zhao-yang, BING Zhi-wu, ZHA En-shuang, WANG Chen-ye, MAO Zi-long
    2010, 37(3): 614-620.
    Abstract PDF
    The distribution and genetic types of high-fluoride groundwater in northern China
    HE Jin, ZHANG Fu-cun, HAN Shuang-bao, LI Xu-feng, YAO Xiu-ju, ZHANG Hui
    2010, 37(3): 621-626.
    Abstract PDF
    The relationship between endemic fluoride disease and geological environment of several cities in the lower Yellow River basin of Shandong Province
    GAO Zong-jun, PANG Xu-gui, WANG Min, BIAN Jian-chao, DAI Jie-rui, ZHANG Zhao-xiang
    2010, 37(3): 627-632.
    Abstract PDF
    The relationship between fluorine in geological environment and endemic fluorosis in Huaihe River basin
    GONG Jian-shi, YE Nian-jun, GE Wei-ya, LI Jun-hu
    2010, 37(3): 633-639.
    Abstract PDF
    An experimental study of the suitable process of modifying clinoptilolite for the treatment of high-fluoride groundwater
    YANG Wei, SUN Hao-ran, SUN Bing-shuang, SHEN Ai-lian
    2010, 37(3): 640-644.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological environment characteristics of potable water endemic fluorosis areas in Northeast China and the prevention and control measures
    CAI He, WANG Chang-qi, ZHANG Mei-gui, LI Xu-guang, GUO Chang-lai
    2010, 37(3): 645-650.
    Abstract PDF
    Demonstration of the prevention of endemic fluorosis disease in drinking water supply in Northeast China: a case study of Zhaoyuan County
    GUO Chang-lai, LI Xu-guang, CAI He, WANG Chang-qi
    2010, 37(3): 651-656.
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution characteristics of fluorine in soils of Zhujiang River delta in relation to endemic fluorosis
    LIU Hong-Ying, LAI Qi-Hong, CHEN Guo-Guang, FENG Xiao-Ming, GUO Kun-Yi
    2010, 37(3): 657-664.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorine distribution characteristics of groundwater in Hulun Buir plateau and some suggestions for groundwater exploitation and application
    LI Xu-guang, WANG Chang-qi, GUO Chang-lai, CAI He
    2010, 37(3): 665-671.
    Abstract PDF
    The formation regularity of high-fluorine groundwater in Dali County, Shaanxi Province
    ZHU Hua, YANG Bing-chao, ZHAO A-ning, KE Hai-ling, QIAO Gang
    2010, 37(3): 672-676.
    Abstract PDF
    The relationship between the endemic fluorosis and the geological environment as well as the prevention measures in Dali County, Shaanxi Province
    KE Hai-ling, ZHU Hua, DONG Jin-Juan, ZHAO A-Ning, QIAO Gang, YANG Bing-Chao
    2010, 37(3): 677-685.
    Abstract PDF
    A dynamic experimental study of the fluorine transport regularity in soil of Yuncheng Basin
    ZHANG Hong-mei
    2010, 37(3): 686-689.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydrogeological characteristics of endemic fluorine disease areas of Jilin Province and water source project countermeasures for fluorine prevention
    CAO Yu-he, QI Jia-wei, XIONG Shao-li
    2010, 37(3): 690-695.
    Abstract PDF
    A tentative discussion on the source of endemic fluorosis: geo-environmental evidence from three counties in Guizhou Province
    XIE Xing-Neng, YANG Xiu-Zhong, YANG Sheng-Yuan, ZHANG Jian-Jiang, ZHAO Bin
    2010, 37(3): 696-703.
    Abstract PDF
    Bradley S. Van Gosen
    2010, 37(3): 704-711.
    Abstract PDF
    D. Chandrasekharam
    2010, 37(3): 712-722.
    Abstract PDF
    Yan ZHENG
    2010, 37(3): 723-729.
    Abstract PDF
    Toshiaki ITO, Fumio KANAI, Kazuro BANDO, Research group for arsenic contamination of groundwater in Inner Mongolia, Asia Arsenic Network, Research Group for Applied Geology
    2010, 37(3): 730-740.
    Abstract PDF
    Hisashi NIREI, Tomoyo HIYAMA, Hideyo TAKAHATA, Hidefumi IKEDA
    2010, 37(3): 741-746.
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of the distribution and formation of high arsenic groundwater in northern China
    HAN Shuang-bao, ZHANG Fu-cun, ZHANG Hui, JIA Xiao-feng, HE Jin, LI Xu-feng
    2010, 37(3): 747-753.
    Abstract PDF
    Inverse geochemical modeling of high arsenic groundwater: a case study of the arsenic endemic area in western Jilin Province
    TANG Jie, BIAN Jian-min, LI Zhao-yang, WANG Chen-ye
    2010, 37(3): 754-759.
    Abstract PDF
    The genesis of high arsenic groundwater: a case study in Datong basin
    WANG Yan-xin, SU Chun-li, XIE Xian-jun, XIE Zuo-ming
    2010, 37(3): 771-780.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics of the As-bearing aquifer in the Hetao plain, Inner Mongolia
    HE Xin, MA Teng, WANG Yan-xin, DENG Ya-min, HUANG Bin, HE Jun, ZHAO Jie, TIAN Chun-yan, LI Zhen-long
    2010, 37(3): 781-788.
    Abstract PDF
    Kaolin / siderite synthetic material preparation and properties of arsenic removal from groundwater
    LIU Xin, FENG Liu, CHEN Ming, GAO Feng, ZHAO Qing-tao
    2010, 37(3): 789-796.
    Abstract PDF
    The distribution of high iodine groundwater in typical areas of China and its inspiration
    ZHANG Er-yong, ZHANG Fu-cun, QIAN Yong, YE Nian-jun, GONG Jian-shi, WANG Yu-shan
    2010, 37(3): 797-802.
    Abstract PDF
    The relationship between the goiter induced by excessive iodine and the geological environment of several cities in the Lower Yellow River Basin of Shandong Province
    WANG Min, PANG Xu-Gui, GAO Zong-Jun, BIAN Jian-Chao, DAI Jie-Rui, ZHANG Zhao-Xiang
    2010, 37(3): 803-808.
    Abstract PDF
    High iodic geochemical characteristics of the groundwater in central Shanxi Province
    XU Qing, LIU Xiao-duan, TANG Qi-feng, LIU Jiu-chen, ,
    2010, 37(3): 809-815.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydro-chemical constituents and correlation analysis of shallow groundwater in the Hetao Plain
    LIU Wen-bo, GAO Cun-rong, LIU Bin, Chen You-jian
    2010, 37(3): 816-823.
    Abstract PDF
    The correlation between endemic diseases and eco-geochemical environment in the lower Yellow River basin, Shandong Province
    PANG Xu-Gui, BIAN Jian-Chao, GAO Zong-Jun, WANG Hong-Jin, WANG Min
    2010, 37(3): 824-830.
    Abstract PDF
    An experimental study of the in-situ fast detecting method for dissolved humic acid
    FENG Cang-xu, LIU Jun, ZHANG Lei, LI Hong-wu
    2010, 37(3): 831-834.
    Abstract PDF
    Groundwater monitoring well construction and sampling technology in the endemic disease area
    ZHENG Ji-tian, RAN De-fa, YE Cheng-ming, LI Xiao-jie
    2010, 37(3): 835-839.
    Abstract PDF