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    A review and prospect of geological researches on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    MO Xuan-xue
    2010, 37(4): 841-853.
    Abstract PDF
    Indosinian tectonic setting, magmatism and metallogenesis in Qinling Orogen, central China
    CHEN Yan-Jing
    2010, 37(4): 854-865.
    Abstract PDF
    Geodynamic evolution in Asia and its effects of mineral resources
    GENG Shu-fang, LIU Ping, WANG Zheng-yang, JU Yuan-jing
    2010, 37(4): 866-880.
    Abstract PDF
    Gravity characteristics and preliminary division of tectonic units in China and adjacent areas
    ZHANG Xun-hua, GUO Xing-wei, YANG Jin-yu, WEN Zhen-he, HOU Fang-hui
    2010, 37(4): 881-887.
    Abstract PDF
    Variation of the lithospheric thickness in the South China Sea area and its tectonic significance
    YAO Bo-chu, WAN Ling
    2010, 37(4): 888-899.
    Abstract PDF
    Pre-Yanshanian geological events in the northern margin of the North China Craton and its adjacent areas
    ZHAO Yue, CHEN Bin, ZHANG Shuan-Hong, LIU Jian-Min, HU Jian-Min, LIU Jian, PEI Jun-Ling
    2010, 37(4): 900-915.
    Abstract PDF
    Tectonic framework and main characteristics of North China and its northward areas in Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic period
    ZHANG Yun-Ping, LI Jing-Chun
    2010, 37(4): 916-930.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and evolution of the mantle plume in eastern North China
    NIU Shu-yin, SUN Ai-qun, MA Bao-jun, ZHANG Jian-zhen, MAO Jing-wen, LI Hou-min, WANG Bao-de, CHEN Chao
    2010, 37(4): 931-942.
    Abstract PDF
    Late Paleozoic tectonic evolution in Northeast China
    LIU Yong-jiang, ZHANG Xing-Zhou, JIN Wei, CHI Xiao-guo, WANG Cheng-wen, MA Zhi-hong, HAN Guo-qing, WEN Quan-bo, LI Wei, WANG Wen-di, ZHAO Xi-feng
    2010, 37(4): 943-951.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and geodynamic analysis of the focal fault for the Great 8.0 Ms Wenchuan Earthquake
    CAI Xue-lin, WANG Xu-ben, ZHU Jie-shou, CAO Jia-min, CHENG Xian-qiong, YU Nian, ZHANG Wei, LU Xia, PANG Su, ZHANG Zhen-yu
    2010, 37(4): 952-966.
    Abstract PDF
    a-Before generation;b-In generation;c-Co-seismism Causative mechanism and related tectonic movement of the 2008 Wenchuan M8 Earthquake
    XU Ji-ren, ZHAO Zhi-xin
    2010, 37(4): 967-977.
    Abstract PDF
    Structural deformation features and dynamic mechanism of Neoproterozoic strata in Zhanggongshan area, northern margin of the Jiangnan Orogen
    ZHANG Yan-jie, LIAO Sheng-bing, ZHOU Xiao-hua, WANG Cun-zhi, JIANG Ren, ZHU Yi-ping
    2010, 37(4): 978-994.
    Abstract PDF
    The matched-filter analysis of Bouguer gravity anomaly in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its tectonic implications
    ZHENG Hong-wei, MENG Ling-shun, HE Ri-zheng
    2010, 37(4): 995-1001.
    Abstract PDF
    Advances in the study of Mesoproterozoic geochronology in China:a review
    LU Song-nian, LI Huai-kun, XIANG Zhen-qun
    2010, 37(4): 1002-1013.
    Abstract PDF
    New Geological time scale of Late Precambrian in China and geochronology
    GAO Lin-zhi, DING Xiao-zhong, GAO Qian, ZHANG Chuan-heng
    2010, 37(4): 1014-1020.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of Neoproterozoic pillow lava in spilite-ceratophyre of Lushan area, northern Jiangxi Province, and its geological significance
    DONG Shu-wen, XUE Huai-min, XIANG Xin-Kui, MA Li-cheng
    2010, 37(4): 1021-1033.
    Abstract PDF
    The second ore-prospecting space in the eastern and central parts of the Nanling metallogenic belt: evidence from isotopic chronology
    LIU Shan-bao, CHEN Yu-chuan, FAN Shi-xiang, XU Jian-xiang, QU Wen-jun, YING Li-juan
    2010, 37(4): 1034-1049.
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon U-Pb dating of granitic gneiss in Wugong Mountain area, central Qiangtang, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: age records of Pan-African movement and Indo-China movement
    HU Pei-yuan, LI Cai, SU Li, LI Chun-bin, YU Hong
    2010, 37(4): 1050-1061.
    Abstract PDF
    U-Pb dating and Hf isotopic characteristics of zircons from quartz-diorite in the Yijiang REE-Sc deposit, Rucheng County,Hunan: constraints on the timing of Caledonian magmatic activity in South China
    WANG Yan-bin, WANG Deng-hong, HAN Juan, CHEN Zheng-hui, WANG Qing-li
    2010, 37(4): 1062-1070.
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of the tuffaceous bed of Xiajiang Group in Guizhou Province and its stratigraphic implication
    GAO Lin-zhi, DAI Chun-gu, LIU Yan-xue, WANG Min, WANG Xue-hua, CHEN Jian-shu, DING Xiao-zhong
    2010, 37(4): 1071-1080.
    Abstract PDF
    Magmatic mingling origin of adamellite: zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotopes evidence of microgranular dioritic enclaves and host rocks from Yangtianhu adamellite of Qitianling, South China
    LIU Yong, XIAO Qing-hui, GENG Shu-fang, WANG Xiao-xia, CHEN Bi-he
    2010, 37(4): 1081-1091.
    Abstract PDF
    A preliminary study of the relationship between Mesozoic lithosphere evolution in eastern China and the subduction of the Pacific plate
    XIAO Qing-hui, LI Yong, FENG Yan-fang, QIU Rui-zhao, ZHANG Yu
    2010, 37(4): 1092-1101.
    Abstract PDF
    Ancient lithospheric mantle and the “inverse evolution” of its components in North China Craton
    LU Feng-Xiang
    2010, 37(4): 1102-1111.
    Abstract PDF
    High magnesian andesitic/dioritic rocks (HMA) and magnesian andesitic/dioritic rocks (MA): two igneous rock types related to oceanic subduction
    DENG Jin-fu, LIU Cui, FENG Yan-fang, XIAO Qing-hui, SU Shang-guo, ZHAO Guo-chun, KONG Wei-qiong, CAO Wen-yan
    2010, 37(4): 1112-1118.
    Abstract PDF
    The recognition of the magnesian andesitic series(MA)in the Precambrian granitic rocks in western Shandong Province and the continental crustal growth
    FENG Yan-fang, DENG Jin-fu, WANG Shi-jin, XIAO Qing-hui, LU Song-nian, LIU Cui, CUI Xian-yue, GONG Fan-ying, ZHEN Shi-min, JIA De-long, QI Fan-yu
    2010, 37(4): 1119-1129.
    Abstract PDF
    A tentative discussion on the principle and method for division of metallogenic units
    CHEN Ting-yu, GENG Shu-fang, CHEN Bing-wei
    2010, 37(4): 1130-1140.
    Abstract PDF
    A restudy of podiform chromite deposits and their ore-prospecting vista in China
    YANG Jing-sui, BA Deng-zhu, XU Xiang-zhen, LI Zhao-li
    2010, 37(4): 1141-1150.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological and geochemical characteristics and geological implications of the Mengxi porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit in East Junggar region
    WANG Jun, NIE Feng-jun, LIU Yong
    2010, 37(4): 1151-1161.
    Abstract PDF
    The evolutionary tendency of ore-forming elements in Central Asia and adjacent areas
    CHEN Ting-yu
    2010, 37(4): 1162-1174.
    Abstract PDF
    Formation, Evolution and Petroleum Prospects of Central Asia and its Adjacent Regions
    YOU Guo-qing, WANG Zhi-xin, ZHENG Ning, YUE Lai-qun
    2010, 37(4): 1175-1182.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of Nanhuan diamictite (tillite) and stratigraphic correlation in the southwestern margin of Tarim Basin
    ZONG Wen-ming, GAO Lin-zhi, DING Xiao-zhong, PANG Wei-hua
    2010, 37(4): 1183-1190.
    Abstract PDF
    Basic characteristics of tempestite sediments of Middle Sha 3 Formation in Gunan Subsag of Bohai Bay Basin and their geological significance
    ZHENG Ning, JIANG Zai-xing, LI Ting-dong, GENG Shu-fang, YOU Guo-qing, HE You-bin
    2010, 37(4): 1191-1198.
    Abstract PDF
    A study of geological hazards meteorological early-warning in Lingtai County of Gansu Province based on GIS
    DING Wei-cui, YANG Qiang, WANG Ai-jun, GAO You-long, ZHANG Jun-yi
    2010, 37(4): 1199-1207.
    Abstract PDF
    Computer mapping for Atlas of 1∶2 500 000 Geological Maps of Central Asia and Adjacent Areas
    FAN Ben-xian, JU Yuan-jing, HAN Kun-ying, WANG Zhen-yang, WANG Li-ya
    2010, 37(4): 1208-1214.
    Abstract PDF
    The design and application of the management system for 1∶1M geological map database of China
    HAN Kun-ying, ZHANG Qing-he, DING Xiao-zhong, FAN Ben-xian, GENG Shu-fang, JIANG Lan, PANG Jian-feng, JU Yuan-jing, WANG Zhen-yang, LU Yong-guang
    2010, 37(4): 1215-1123.
    Abstract PDF