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    Mesozoic multi-directional compressional tectonics and formation-reformation of Sichuan basin
    ZHANG Yue-qiao, DONG Shu-wen, LI Jian-hua, SHI Wei
    2011, 38(2): 233-250.
    Abstract PDF
    The attenuation of Rayleigh surface wave in China’s mainland
    CHENG Xian-qiong, ZHU Jie-shou, CAI Xue-lin
    2011, 38(2): 251-262.
    Abstract PDF
    Growth faults in Shenxian depression and their control over the sedimentation
    LIANG Fu-kang, YU Xing-he, LI Xian-ping, ZOU Min, SUN Xiang-can, LI Mei
    2011, 38(2): 263-270.
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon SHRIMP dating and geochemical characteristics of Taohuashan granites in Huarong County, northern Hunan
    PENG Yu-chun, MA Tie-qiu, LI Ying-qi, ZHOU Ke-jun, BAI Dao-yuan
    2011, 38(2): 271-281.
    Abstract PDF
    SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating and lithogeochemical characteristics of diabase from Zhenping area in North Daba Mountain
    ZOU Xian-wu, DUAN Qi-fa, TANG Chao-yang, CAO Liang, CUI Sen, ZHAO Wu-qiang, XIA Jie, WANG Lei
    2011, 38(2): 282-291.
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical characteristics of the granites in Duobaoshan area, Northeast Da Hinggan Mountains
    QU Hui, LI Cheng-lu, ZHAO Zhong-hai, WANG Zhuo, ZHANG Jian-feng
    2011, 38(2): 292-300.
    Abstract PDF
    Major and trace element geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Dabuxiletu pluton in the north part of Sonid Left Banner,Inner Mongolia
    YANG Yong-sheng, SUN Bai-nian, KANG Hong-jie, XING Wei-wei, LI Xiao-qiang, HE Wen-long, WANG Lei
    2011, 38(2): 301-316.
    Abstract PDF
    Depositional trends and sequence-stratigraphic successions under the Cambrian second-order transgressive setting in the North China Platform: a case study of the Xiaweidian section in the western suburb of Beijing
    MEI Ming-xiang
    2011, 38(2): 317-337.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence filling features of Middle-Late Devonian period in northern Youjiang basin
    ZHONG Yi-jiang, CHEN Hong-de, HOU Ming-cai, LIN Liang-biao, LIU Jia-hong, Wang Qi
    2011, 38(2): 338-345.
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary characteristics and sequence characteristics of Late Carboniferous and early Early Permian period in Dushan, southern Guizhou Province
    LI Guo-xin, FAN Yu, CHEN Hong-de, LIN Liang-biao, ZHAO Wei, ZHU Zhi-jun, XU Sheng-lin
    2011, 38(2): 346-355.
    Abstract PDF
    Features of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the northern Dongpu Sag
    GAO Hong-can, ZHENG Rong-Cai, CHEN Fa-liang, ZHU Deng-feng, LIU Xian-ying
    2011, 38(2): 356-373.
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of the tectonic setting of Xujiajuan Formation of Middle Ordovician Xiangshan Group in Ningxia
    LI Xiang-dong, HE You-bin, LIU Xun, YOU Guo-qing, WANG Dan, ZHENG Zhao-chang
    2011, 38(2): 374-383.
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance Analysis of 3rd Member of Oligocene Lingshui Formation in the Yacheng 13-1 Gasfield, Qiongdongnan Basin
    BAI Zhen-hua, LI Sheng-li, SU Yan, MA Xing-zhi, LI Mao-wen
    2011, 38(2): 384-392.
    Abstract PDF
    Microfacies and enrichment pattern of fossils in the fossiliferous beds of Luoping Biota, Yunnan Province
    BAI Jian-ke, YIN Fu-guang, ZHANG Qi-yue
    2011, 38(2): 393-402.
    Abstract PDF
    The characteristics of metallogenic rocks in the Pulang porphyry copper deposit of Yunnan Province
    LI Wen-chang, LIU Xue-long, ZENG Pu-sheng, YIN Guang-hou
    2011, 38(2): 403-414.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological features and prospecting orientation of the Sankuanggou Cu-Mo-Au deposit in Nenjiang County, Heilongjiang Province
    LI De-rong, LV Fu-lin, LIU Su-ying, LV Jun
    2011, 38(2): 415-426.
    Abstract PDF
    Geology, fluid inclusions and S,Pb isotopic geochemistry of the Chitudian Pb-Zn deposit in Luanchuan, Henan Province
    DUAN Shi-gang, XUE Chun-ji, FENG Qi-wei, GAO Bing-yu, LIU Guo-yin, YAN Chang-hai, SONG Yao-wu
    2011, 38(2): 427-441.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of manganese nodules in Garze-Litang suture zone
    PENG Dong, LIN Li, WANG Quan-wei, KAN Ze-zhong, FU Xiao-fang, PENG Bo
    2011, 38(2): 442-450.
    Abstract PDF
    Mineral phase changes and depositional model of sedimentary manganese deposits in Dounan area of southeastern Yunnan
    TANG Yun-feng, YI Hai-sheng
    2011, 38(2): 451-461.
    Abstract PDF
    A comparison of REE geochemistry between polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich crusts in the Pacific Ocean
    HE Gao-wen, SUN Xiao-ming, YANG Sheng-xiong, ZHU Ke-chao, SONG Cheng-bing
    2011, 38(2): 462-472.
    Abstract PDF
    The application of the dual-frequency induced polarization method to the prospecting and appraisal of molybdenum deposits in Henan Province
    SHANG Jian-ge, LI Bing, DING Yun-he, FENG Liang
    2011, 38(2): 473-478.
    Abstract PDF
    The impact of land use on CO2 intake of chemical weathering in a typical karst region: a case study of Xiaojiang watershed, Yunnan Province
    LIU Chang-li, LIN Liang-jun, SONG Chao, WANG Xiu-yan, HOU Hong-bing, ZHANG Yun, WANG Jun-kun, JIANG Jian-mei, WANG Jing-jing, PEI Li-xin
    2011, 38(2): 479-488.
    Abstract PDF
    A tentative discussion on nitrite, nitrate and ammonia (NNA) pollution of groundwater in typical urbanized areas of Guangzhou City
    LIU Jing-tao, SUN Ji-chao, LIN Liang-jun, ZHANG Yu-xi, JING Ji-hong
    2011, 38(2): 489-494.
    Abstract PDF
    Core characteristics and preliminary stratigraphic classification of the New-5 Hole in Beijing Plain
    LUAN Ying-bo, CAI Xiang-min, GUO Gao-xuan, LIANG Ya-nan, GUO Li
    2011, 38(2): 495-503.
    Abstract PDF
    Some geoscience problems in the exhumation of the cross-lake bridge site at Xiaoshan of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
    LIANG He, FENG Bao-ying, HU Yan-hua, MAO Han-chuan
    2011, 38(2): 504-515.
    Abstract PDF