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    Main geological factors controlling shale gas reservior in the Cambrian Shuijingtuo Formation in Yichang of Hubei Province as well as its and enrichment patterns
    CHEN Xiaohong, WEI Kai, ZHANG Baoming, LI Peijun, LI Hai, LIU An, LUO Shengyuan
    2018, 45(2): 207-226. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180201
    Abstract PDF
    Paleoproductivity conditions of lower member of Cambrian Xiaoerbulak Formation in Kalpin thrust belt, Tarim Basin
    BAI Zhongkai, XIE Li, HAN Miao, LÜ Xiuxiang, SUN Zhichao, LI Qingyao, YANG Youxing, ZHANG Jinhu
    2018, 45(2): 227-236. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180202
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary evolution of the Qiangtang Basin
    WANG Jian, FU Xiugen
    2018, 45(2): 237-259. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180203
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics and exploration potential of oil and gas in the northeast area of China
    ZHANG Junfeng, XU Hao, ZHAO Junlong, REN Pengfei
    2018, 45(2): 260-273. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180204
    Abstract PDF
    Micropore structure characteristics of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation black shale along Qilongcun section in northwest Guizhou
    WEI Hongxia, WANG Jujie, ZENG Pusheng, WANG Shuangqing
    2018, 45(2): 274-285. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180205
    Abstract PDF
    Sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Aershan-Duhongmu Formation in Baiyinchagan Sag, Erlian Basin
    GAO Hongcan, ZHENG Rongcai, XIAO Bin, LIU Yun, LUAN Yanchun, LIU Hongli
    2018, 45(2): 286-303. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180206
    Abstract PDF
    Detailed description of the sedimentary reservoir of a braided delta based on well logs
    LAI Jin, HAN Nengrun, JIA Yunwu, JI Yushan, WANG Guiwen, PANG Xiaojiao, HE Zhibo, WANG Song
    2018, 45(2): 304-318. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180207
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemistry and geochronology of metamorphic rocks in Kanas Group, Altay orogenic belt
    LI Xiaoguang, GONG Xiaoping, PEI Guodong, HAN Qiong, ZHAO Tongyang, ZHENG Jiaxing
    2018, 45(2): 319-333. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180208
    Abstract PDF
    Timing of Early Paleozoic oceanic crust subduction in North Altun: Evidence from plagiogranite and granodiorite
    PENG Yinbiao, YU Shengyao, ZHANG Jianxin, LI Sanzhong, SUN Deyou
    2018, 45(2): 334-350. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180209
    Abstract PDF
    Neoproterozoic basic magmatism in the north of Anhui Province: Evidence from whole-rock geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology of Diabase in Langan area
    CAI Yitao, ZHANG Jie, DONG Zhongdou, CAO Zhengqi, XIAO Shuyue, LI Shuai, LI Chenkai, CHEN Lezhu, FAN Feipeng
    2018, 45(2): 351-366. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180210
    Abstract PDF
    Geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks in Manketou'ebo Formation of Tulihe area, northern Da Hinggan Mountains
    LIU Kai, WU Taotao, LIU Jinlong, BAO Qingzhong, DU Shouying
    2018, 45(2): 367-376. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180211
    Abstract PDF
    Trace fossils of hybrid facies from Early-Middle Devonian strata in Longmenshan area, Sichuan Province
    JING Xigui, LI Fengjie, CHENG Xiaoyu, YANG Xiaoqi, ZHANG Hao, SHEN Fan
    2018, 45(2): 377-391. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180212
    Abstract PDF
    "The Earth Scope Plan" data affirm the existence of a gigantic mantle plume under North America
    2018, 45(2): 391-391.
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of geological, geophysical and geochemical characteristics and prospecting potentiality of the Liulaowan area in Henan Province
    LIU Qineng, ZHOU Xiaodong, SU Xiaoyan, HE Yuliang, GUO Zhen
    2018, 45(2): 392-407. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180213
    Abstract PDF
    Alteration characteristics of titanium-bearing minerals and new knowledge about their relationship to uranium occurrence in uraniferous sandstone of Nalinggou area, Ordos Basin
    CHEN Lulu, CHEN Yin, GUO Hu, FENG Xiaoxi, LI Jianguo, TANG Chao, ZHAO Hualei
    2018, 45(2): 408-409. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180214
    Abstract PDF
    The detrital zircons U-Pb datings of the quartz sandstones from Kangjia Formation in Benxi area and sedimentary provenances
    WU Hao, DING Xiaozhong, LIU Yanxue, GAO Linzhi
    2018, 45(2): 410-411. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180215
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of shale gas within Lower Cambrian marine facies at Shan Nandi-1 well on the margin of Hannan palaeouplift
    CHEN Xianglin, BAO Shujing, ZHAI Gangyi, ZHOU Zhi, TONG Chuanchuan, WANG Chao
    2018, 45(2): 412-413. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180216
    Abstract PDF
    Recent progress in the study of the sedimentary environment of Late Cretaceous dinosaur strata in Zhengyang area, southeastern Chongqing
    CHEN Yang, YIN Fuguang, LIU Zixuan, ZHANG Ruigang, LI Lianglin, CHEN Wei, CHEN Fei
    2018, 45(2): 414-415. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180217
    Abstract PDF
    Drilling discovery of "Three Gas One Oil" in the Permian strata of Lower Yangtze area
    SHI Gang, HUANG Zhengqing, ZHENG Hongjun, XU Zhenyu, ZHAO Muhua, SHAO Wei, YIN Qichun, ZHOU Daorong, FANG Chaogang, TENG Long, WANG Jialong
    2018, 45(2): 416-417. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180218
    Abstract PDF
    Collection of the world's nonferrous ore exploration and development cases in 2017
    2018, 45(2): 418-419.
    Abstract PDF
    A "dark biosphere" exists at the bottom of deep sea
    2018, 45(2): 419-420.
    Abstract PDF