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    The prospect of exploitation and utilization of urban underground space in hilly areas of South China
    YANG Wencai, TIAN Gang, XIA Jianghai, YANG Bo
    2019, 46(3): 447-454. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190301
    Abstract PDF
    Research on geological safety monitoring of urban underground space resource utilization in Beijing
    ZHOU Yuanxin, ZHENG Guisen, HE Jing, LI Chao, LIU Yu, HE Hanhan, XIAO Jingze
    2019, 46(3): 455-467. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190302
    Abstract PDF
    Application of comprehensive geophysical-drilling exploration to detect the buried North Boundary active Fault Belt of Yanqing-Fanshan Basin in Sangyuan town, Beijing-Zhangjiakou area
    QI Bangshen, FENG Chengjun, TAN Chengxuan, ZHANG Peng, MENG Jing, ZHANG Chunshan, YANG Weimin, YANG Xiaoxiao, LEI Xiaodong
    2019, 46(3): 468-481. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190303
    Abstract PDF
    The application and research progress of special underground space
    GUO Chaobin, WANG Zhihui, LIU Kai, LI Cai
    2019, 46(3): 482-492. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190304
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon U-Pb ages of the Neoproterozoic Jiuling complex granitoid in the eastern segment of the Jiangnan orogen and its tectonic significance
    DUAN Zheng, LIAO Shengbing, CHU Pingli, HUANG Wencheng, ZHU Yanhui, SHU Xujie, LI Changbo
    2019, 46(3): 493-516. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190305
    Abstract PDF
    Redefination and ore-forming significance of Maeryang Forming, Taxkorgan, Western Kunlun Mountains
    HE Chengguang, WANG Shiyan, FANG Huaibin, CHAI Jianyu, SU Jiancang, CHANG Yongwei, WANG Liulin, CHEN Denghui
    2019, 46(3): 517-536. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190306
    Abstract PDF
    Provenance analysis and thermal evolution of Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Southern Ordos Basin
    SUN Ningliang, ZHONG Jianhua, NI Liangtian, HAO Bing, LUO Ke, QU Junli, LIU Chuang, YANG Guanqun, CAO Mengchun
    2019, 46(3): 537-556. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190307
    Abstract PDF
    Paleogene basin Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and basin record of Xurucuo Area in Tibet
    HE Yuan, CHEN Qing, ZHU Lidong, HUANG Rongcai, YANG Wenguang, TAO Gang, LI Chao, LIU Shuquan
    2019, 46(3): 557-574. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190308
    Abstract PDF
    Depositional environment of the Kasama Group, northeastern Zambia: Evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic compositions
    REN Junping, WANG Jie, SUN Hongwei, FENG Lin, ZUO Libo, GU Alei, HE Fuqing, CHIPILAUKA Mukofu, ALPHET PHASKANI Dokowe, EZEKIAH Chikambwe, CHIWSHIMBA Canisius, DANIEL Malunga
    2019, 46(3): 575-586. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190309
    Abstract PDF
    Aeromagnetic characteristics and fracture structure framework of the eastern part of the western Qinling orogen
    ZHANG Xiang, SHI Liancheng, CHENG Shasha, DUAN ChenYu, WEI Yongqiang, DENG Dewei, LU Yayun
    2019, 46(3): 587-600. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190310
    Abstract PDF
    An resources potential analysis of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation shale gas in the southwestern margin of Sichuan Basin
    YANG Ping, WANG Zhengjiang, YU Qian, LIU Wei, LIU Jiahong, XIONG Guoqing, HE Jianglin, YANG Fei
    2019, 46(3): 601-614. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190311
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of Silurian-Carboniferous sedimentary and structural characteristics on both sides of Karamaili ophiolitic belt of Xinjiang and its significance
    ZHAO Lei, NIU Baogui, XU Qinqin, YANG Yaqi
    2019, 46(3): 615-628. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190312
    Abstract PDF
    Sulfur and lead isotope composition of hydrothermal vein type lead-zinc deposits in Zexue area, Tibet and its implications for the origin of ore-forming materials
    KE Xianzhong, WANG Jing, ZHONG Shiyu, GAO Xu
    2019, 46(3): 629-641. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190313
    Abstract PDF
    Composition and evolution of strontium isotope from the fossiliferous layers of the Luoping biota, Yunnan
    XIE Tao, HU Shixue, ZHOU Changyong, ZHANG Qiyue, HUANG Jinyuan, WEN Wen
    2019, 46(3): 642-650. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190314
    Abstract PDF
    Anomaly characteristics of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric survey and uranium prospecting direction in Huayangchuan, Qinling
    YANG Hai, ZHAO Tingyan, LI Shijun, JIA Zhiye, JIN Jiuqiang, LIANG Xiujuan
    2019, 46(3): 651-661. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190315
    Abstract PDF
    New findings of oil and gas from Wang 2 well in Rumpela basin, Tibet
    LI Yinglie, WU Xinhe, WANG Rui, XIA Xianghua
    2019, 46(3): 662-663. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190316
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of jet type sedimentary lead-zinc polymetallic ore spots in the northern section of the Sanjiang metallogenic belt in Xiqueyong area and its significance
    MA Junqiang, CHEN Gen, YANG Jun, SONG Fusheng
    2019, 46(3): 664-665. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190317
    Abstract PDF
    The first discovery of the Botuoyannan Permian manganese deposit along Maerkansu manganese ore belt in West Kunlun Mountains
    CHEN Denghui, HE Yongkang, ZHAO Xiaojian, SUI Qinglin, LI Xutuo, TENG Jiaxin, GAO Yongbao
    2019, 46(3): 666-667. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190318
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of Early Permian pyroxenite in Heiyingshan region in the western Inner Mongolia
    FU Yangang, GAO Jianweng, MA Shengming
    2019, 46(3): 668-669. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190319
    Abstract PDF
    A new technology for selective extraction of sedimentogenic strontium and barium from terrigenous clastic sediments
    WANG Aihua, LIU Jiankun, XU Naicen, ZHANG Fei, LI Hualing
    2019, 46(3): 670-671. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190320
    Abstract PDF
    A brief introduction to ultradeep wells in the world
    2019, 46(3): 672-672.
    Abstract PDF