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    The Discovery of lithium-boron large scale deposit in Zetso salt lake, Ngali District of Tibet and its prospects for development and utilization
    LI Zhidan, JIN Ruoshi, LI Xiaoguang, LI Lingping, CHEN Lie, LIU Chaoqiang, ZHOU Kenken, ZHANG Chao
    2020, 47(2): 265-277. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200201
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of Jurassic sequence boundary surfaces on the northeastern margin of Ordos basin and their constraints on the spatial-temporal properties of sandstone uranium mineralization
    ZHANG Tianfu, ZHANG Yun, JIN Ruoshi, YU Reng'an, SUN Lixin, CHENG Yinhang, AO Cong, MA Hailin
    2020, 47(2): 278-299. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200202
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenic characteristics and prospecting indicators of Nb-REE polymetallic deposits in Hulunxibai area, Inner Mongolia
    HU Erhong, HE Zhongyin, ZHANG Shanming, Lü Xinbiao, RUAN Banxiao, ZHAO Pengbin, SUN Hao, JI Pengfei, HE Shiming, SU Bo, LIU Ting
    2020, 47(2): 300-314. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200203
    Abstract PDF
    Lithofacies geochemistry characteristics of alkali volcanic rocks and prospecting prediction in Tupiza copper deposit, Bolivia
    DU Yulong, FANG Weixuan, LU Jia
    2020, 47(2): 315-333. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200204
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics and diagenetic geochronology of the Huangyangshan graphite deposit, Xinjiang
    AI Jiang, LÜ Xinbiao, LI Zuowu, WU Yalun
    2020, 47(2): 334-347. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200205
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis of chlorite in the Huangsha uranium deposit, middle part of Nanling Mountains and its relationship with uranium mineralization
    PAN Chunrong, MOU Ping, ZHONG Fujun, HUANG Guangwen, LI Haidong, PAN Jiayong
    2020, 47(2): 348-361. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200206
    Abstract PDF
    Structural analysis and ore-prospecting prediction of the Lujing uranium orefield in middle Zhuguangshan, South China
    SUN Yue, PAN Jiayong, Xiao Zhenhua, LIU Ying, PAN Chunrong, ZHONG Fujun, LAI Jing
    2020, 47(2): 362-374. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200207
    Abstract PDF
    Research on zircon U-Pb, S-Pb isotopes and trace elements of pyrite from the Dongji Au(Ag) deposit in Zhenghe County, Fujian Province
    XIAO Fan, BAN Yizhong, FAN Feipeng, XU Naicen, MAO Guangwu, LI Fengchun
    2020, 47(2): 375-393. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200208
    Abstract PDF
    A study of the fluid inclusions and chronology of the Shanwanzi gold deposit in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia
    LI Wei, JIANG Bin, LIU Miao, CHEN Jingsheng, LI Bin, YANG Fan, ZHANG Yujin, LIU Shifeng, CAI Nao
    2020, 47(2): 394-405. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200209
    Abstract PDF
    Rb-Sr isochron age and isotopic compositions of H, O, S and Pb of the Gaozhuang gold deposit, Xixia County, Henan Province: Identification of intraplate orogenic metallogenesis in northern Qinling Mountain
    LIANG Tao, LU Ren, YANG Nan, WANG Li, WEN Jingjing
    2020, 47(2): 406-425. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200210
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and genetic indication significance of fluid inclusions in the Zhujiawa molybdenum deposit
    LI Suimin, LI Jichao, LI Tong, QUAN Sutao, HU Zhiqiang, LI Yuhong, WANG Jing, CHEN Shuqing
    2020, 47(2): 426-439. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200211
    Abstract PDF
    Research and discussion on the metallogenic epochs of the Xiashan Pb-Zn deposit in Zhenghe County, Fujian Province
    XI Wanwan, CHEN Shizhong, ZHU Xiaoting
    2020, 47(2): 440-449. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200212
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and metallogenic significance of granite porphyry and pyroxene diorite in the Bianjiadayuan Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit, Inner Mongolia
    JIANG Haoyuan, ZHAO Zhidan, ZHU Xinyou, YANG Shangsong, JIANG Binbin, YANG Chaolei, MAO Chunwei
    2020, 47(2): 450-471. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200213
    Abstract PDF
    S, Pb isotopic composition of the Dongtangzi Pb-Zn deposit in the Fengtai ore concentration area of Shaanxi Province for tracing sources of ore-forming materials
    ZHANG Geli, TIAN Tao, WANG Ruiting, GAO Weihong, CHANG Zongdong
    2020, 47(2): 472-484. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200214
    Abstract PDF
    Sphalerite Rb-Sr isotopic dating of the Dongyan Pb-Zn deposit in Southeastern Sichuan fold belt and its constraint on the timing of tectonic deformation
    GONG Yinjie, ZHANG Zunzun, CHEN Libo, JIN Shichao, GAN Jinmu, QI Shuanglin
    2020, 47(2): 485-496. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200215
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics, magmatic geochemistry and petrogenic chronology of the Bagong Pb polymetallic ore spot in Ritu County, Tibet
    BI Zhiwei, WANG Yankai, SUN Xiao, ZHANG Jianzhen, ZHANG Tao, LIU Tengfei
    2020, 47(2): 497-515. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200216
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics of stream sediments and prediction of mining prospects in the Wulandaban—Zhazigou area, Danghe South Mountain, Gansu Province
    WANG Lei, HU Zhaoguo, LI Xiangmin, YAN Haizhong, YANG Chao
    2020, 47(2): 516-527. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200217
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and metallogenic potential of Maoershan granite and its adjacent basement strata in Guangxi
    LI Ruojian, CHEN Yuanrong, GU Ruiqi, LI Jiacai, JIANG Xin, NONG Yuejin, WANG Zhanyu, YAN Xiang
    2020, 47(2): 528-537. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200218
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of pareiasaurs fossils in Middle Permian Shangshihezi Formation of Yangquan, Shanxi Province
    DONG Liyang, SHI Jianru, JI Shu'an, WANG Jin
    2020, 47(2): 538-539. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200219
    Abstract PDF
    Nb and REE deposits found in the weathering crusts of Emeishan basalt, Xuanwei area, Yunnan Province
    LIU Dian Rui
    2020, 47(2): 540-541. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200220
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of Li, Be, Nb, Ta rare metal ore spots in the Bieyesamas area in Altay, Xinjiang
    QIAO Gengbiao, DING Jiangang, SU Yonghai, CHEN Junlu
    2020, 47(2): 542-543. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200221
    Abstract PDF
    New discovery of Ni-Co (Nb-Ta) mineralization spots in Aikou basic-ultrabasic rock group of Hunan Province
    CAO Liang, LI Hong, DUAN Qifa, ZHOU Yun
    2020, 47(2): 544-545. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200222
    Abstract PDF
    New discovery of quartz vein-type of wolframite ore occurences in southern Qinling, Qinling orogenic belt
    LIU Wenjian, WANG Peipei, ZHANG Kai, WANG Juli, WANG Fei, ZHANG Wang, HU Yang, JI Chongke, ZHOU Xinglong, CHEN Yawei
    2020, 47(2): 546-547. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200223
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of the Wuheshalu medium-sized copper deposit in Wuqia County, Xinjiang, by stream sediment survey
    LIU Kunfeng, FENG Changrong, LEI Hao, ZHAI Liming, QU Xiaoxiang, XIE Jin, CAI Zhenfeng
    2020, 47(2): 548-549. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200224
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of fluorite ore spots in the contact zone of Cretaceous Lingshan granitic batholith in the western Dabie orogenic belt
    ZHU Jiang, PENG Sanguo, LIU Jinming
    2020, 47(2): 550-551. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200225
    Abstract PDF
    Indosinian ore-forming process of the Qipangou W deposit in Zhen'an, Shaanxi: Evidence from hydrothermal zircon U-Pb dating
    ZHANG Wang, WANG Genbao, ZHANG Kai, WANG Juli, HU Yang, WANG Peipei, WANG Fei, LIU Wenjian, CHEN Yuan, CHEN Yawei, ZHOU Xinglong, JI Chongke
    2020, 47(2): 552-554. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200226
    Abstract PDF
    The second-round trial collection of natural gas hydrate (combustible ice) in China's sea areas achieves complete success
    2020, 47(2): 555-555.
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    Ten most important gold deposits in the world
    2020, 47(2): 556-557.
    Abstract PDF