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    Main progress of the second gas hydrate trial production in the South China Sea
    YE Jianliang, QIN Xuwen, XIE Wenwei, LU Hailong, MA Baojin, QIU Haijun, LIANG Jinqiang, LU Jing'an, KUANG Zenggui, LU Cheng, LIANG Qianyong, WEI Shipeng, YU Yanjiang, LIU Chunsheng, LI Bin, SHEN Kaixiang, SHI Haoxian, LU Qiuping, LI Jing, KOU Beibei, SONG Gang, LI Bo, ZHANG He'en, LU Hongfeng, MA Chao, DONG Yifei, BIAN Hang
    2020, 47(3): 557-568. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200301
    Abstract PDF
    Confirmation of gneissic granite of Qingbaikou period and its constraint on the timing of the Rodinia supercontinent on the Altun orogenic belt
    ZENG Zhongcheng, HONG Zenglin, LIU Fangxiao, BIAN Xiaowei, LI Qi, GAO Feng, HE Yuanfang, JIAN Kunkun
    2020, 47(3): 569-589. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200302
    Abstract PDF
    Magnetite compositions of the iron-rich agglomerates of the Heijianshan iron deposit in Eastern Tianshan Mountains and magmatic-hydrothermal evolution processes
    SONG Zhe, LI Houmin, LI Lixing, DING Jianhua, MENG Jie
    2020, 47(3): 590-606. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200303
    Abstract PDF
    The lithofaces, Mn-bearing sedimentary filling and palaeogeographic pattern of Early Datangpo Stage and implied for manganese in the northeastern Guizhou Province
    ZHANG Yujie, AN Xianyin, LIU Shilei, GAO Yongjuan, ZHENG Jie, SANG Yongheng
    2020, 47(3): 607-626. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200304
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenic geological characteristics and titanium resources potential in China
    DING Jianhua, ZHANG Yong, LI Lixing, LI Houmin
    2020, 47(3): 627-644. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200305
    Abstract PDF
    The application of microbial exploration technology to the oil and gas survey of Chaoshan depression
    ZHAO Zhongquan, SUN Ming, WAN Xiaoming, CHEN Shenghong, ZHAO Jing, SONG Lijun, LI Hui, QIANG Kunsheng, LIANG Yongxing
    2020, 47(3): 645-654. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200306
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    The role of viruses and bacteria and other microorganisms in the history of the earth biological evolution
    FENG Weimin
    2020, 47(3): 655-663. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200307
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    Trace elements and Pb isotope of the mafic rocks from the Xigaze ophiolite of Yarlung Zangbo suture zone, southern Tibet: Constraints on the tectonic setting
    SHE Yuwei, ZHU Xiangkun, HE Yuan, MA Jianxiong, LI Shizhen, SUN Jian, GAO Zhaofu, SHI Fuqiang, TANG Chao
    2020, 47(3): 664-677. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200308
    Abstract PDF
    Geochronology, geochemistry and tectonic evolution of the basaltic trachyandesite in Huize, northeastern Yunnan Province
    LIU Lang, LIU Demin, SHAO Junqi, DING Guoli, HUANG Binbin, HUANG Jinshan
    2020, 47(3): 678-692. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200309
    Abstract PDF
    Geochronology, geochemistry, zircon Hf isotopic composition and genesis of Shihushan granite in Anning, Yunnan Province
    LIU Junping, SUN Baidong, CUI Xiaozhuang, XIONG Bo, SONG Donghu, BAI Chundong, ZHANG Kun, YANG Shipan
    2020, 47(3): 693-708. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200310
    Abstract PDF
    Triassic oceanic subduction in northwestern West Qinling Mountain: Evidence from Mg andesite and high-Mg andesite
    LI Kangning, LIU Bochong, DI Yongjun
    2020, 47(3): 709-724. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200311
    Abstract PDF
    The Carboniferous tectonic attributes of the Bogda orogenic belt in Xinjiang: Evidence from gabbro chronology and geochemistry
    LIU Liang, LI Jiangtao, YANG Pengtao, HE Xuefeng, SU Hua, LIANG Bin, YANG Yudong, JIANG Hui
    2020, 47(3): 725-741. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200312
    Abstract PDF
    Oil and gas resevoir characteristics and petrogenetic evolution of the Carboniferous volcanic lava in Xiquan area, Junggar Basin
    DAI Jingjing, LUO Jinglan, HE Xianying, MA Shangwei, WANG Chong, XU Xuelong
    2020, 47(3): 742-754. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200313
    Abstract PDF
    U-Pb chronology, geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of the Chelugou pluton in the western part of North Qilian orogenic belt
    FAN Xinxiang, KONG Weiqiong, YANG Zhenxi, ZHAO Jichang, LI Yuxing
    2020, 47(3): 755-766. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200314
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    The chronology, geochemistry of the Early Permian granodiorite in Langshan area, Inner Mongolia and its tectonic setting
    TIAN Jian, TENG Xuejian, LIU Yang, TENG Fei, GUO Shuo, HE Peng, WANG Wenglong
    2020, 47(3): 767-781. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200315
    Abstract PDF
    Mineral chemistry of clinopyroxene from the Hongshan syenite complex in Wu'an, Hebei Province: Implications for magma evolution
    ZHANG Bo, SU Shangguo, WANG Guodong, SI Xiaobo, WU Yue, JIANG Xiao, FENG Yanfang, LIU Jiangtao
    2020, 47(3): 782-797. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200316
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of Late Permian pollen and spores in TD-2 borehole in Tuquan Basin of Hinggan League of Inner Mongolia and their oil and gas geological implications
    ZHANG Dejun, ZHANG Jian, ZHENG Yuejuan, SU Fei, CHEN Shuwang, HUANG Xin, ZHANG Haihua, ZHEN Zhen
    2020, 47(3): 798-809. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200317
    Abstract PDF
    The characteristics and formation mechanism of Ordovician dolomite in Member 6 of Majiagou Formation in South Ordos Basin
    LIU Lihong, WANG Chunlian, LI Lixia, DU Zhili, TANG Yue, HAN Miao
    2020, 47(3): 810-820. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200318
    Abstract PDF
    The sedimentary environment and boundary of Permian-Triassic strata in the southern Da Hinggan Mountains, Inner Mongolia
    CHEN Shuwang, ZHENG Yuejuan, ZHANG Jian, ZHANG Haihua, ZHANG Dejun, SU Fei, HUANG Xin, GONG Fanhao, ZHEN Zhen
    2020, 47(3): 821-838. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200319
    Abstract PDF
    Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of Late Paleozoic sandstone intercalations of siliceous rock sequences in Bancheng area, southern Guangxi: Constraint on depositional provenance
    ZHAN Junyan, QIN Xiaofeng, WANG Zongqi, CAO Jie, PANG Baocheng, ZHAO Guoying, SHI Hao, WANG Zhen
    2020, 47(3): 839-852. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200320
    Abstract PDF
    Grain size distribution of sediment of core YRD-1101 in the western margin of the modern Bohai Sea since the latest Pleistocene and its environmental change
    YUE Baojing, LIU Jinqing, LIU Jian, LIAO Jing, ZHANG Junqiang
    2020, 47(3): 853-867. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200321
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of the Nankou-Sunhe fault activity in Beijing based on the characteristics of magnetic strata and sedimentary strata
    ZHANG Xiaoliang, ZHANG Lei, WANG Zhihui, BAI Lingyan, CAI Xiangmin, ZHANG Jingjiang, LIU Zhenhua, ZHANG Yueze, NI Jingbo
    2020, 47(3): 868-878. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200322
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of bivalve fossils in Nimu area in Tibet and determination of related strata
    TANG Hua, XU Lin, LUO Shaoqiang, CHEN Yongdong, XIAO Jin
    2020, 47(3): 879-880. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200323
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of shale gas in Silurian strata in Zigui, Hubei Province
    ZHOU Zhi, LI Shizhen, CHEN Ke, LI Haohan, LI Fei, XU Guihong
    2020, 47(3): 881-882. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200324
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of a large-size uranium deposit in Northeast Ordos Basin
    YU Reng'an, SIMA Xianzhang, JIN Ruoshi, MIAO Peisen, PENG Shenglong
    2020, 47(3): 883-884. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200325
    Abstract PDF
    The redefinition of the Carboniferous strata in the Baobei area of Western Junggar, Tuoli County, Xinjiang: Evidence from zircon U-Pb dating
    QIAO Gengbiao, ZHAO Hansen
    2020, 47(3): 885-887. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200326
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of Cretaceous shoshonitic volcanic rocks strata in Wulagai area, Inner Mengolia: Evidence from zircon U-Pb chronology
    WANG Jinfang, LI Yingjie, LI Hongyang, DONG Peipei
    2020, 47(3): 888-889. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200327
    Abstract PDF
    Columbite-tantalite U-Pb dating of Yanshanian rare metal mineralization in western Sichuan
    WANG Wei, HOU Kejun, WANG Denghong, YUAN Linping, LIU Lijun, Lü Bingting
    2020, 47(3): 890-891. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200328
    Abstract PDF
    The first report of zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age of amphibolite of eastern North China Craton in the east Liaoning Province
    YANG Fengchao, SONG Yunhong, YANG Jialin, GU Yuchao, XU Jia, YANG Hongzhi
    2020, 47(3): 892-893. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200329
    Abstract PDF
    Rb-Sr isochron age of the Guocheng gold deposit in the Jiaodong Peninsula, Shandong
    LI Jie, ZHANG Lipeng, LI Congying, JIANG Mengyao
    2020, 47(3): 894-895. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200330
    Abstract PDF
    Indo-Chinese epoch metamorphism event found in Chihe area, eastern Anhui: Evidence from U-Pb age of metamorphic zircon from Weigangshan rock mass
    QIAN Hui, DENG Jialiang, WANG Xiang, WANG Yafei
    2020, 47(3): 896-897. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200331
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    Ten most important lead-zinc deposits in the world
    2020, 47(3): 898-898.
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