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    Key technology of ecological restoration demonstration in the Yangtze River Economic Zone and its application
    JIANG Yuehua, NI Huayong, ZHOU Quanping, CHENG Zhiyan, DUAN Xuejun, ZHU Zhimin, WU Jichun, REN Haiyan, FAN Chenzi, YANG Jinwei, CHEN Chao, HU Jian, WANG Xiaolong, JIANG Xiaye, LIU Yongbing, YANG Hai, GUO Wei, FENG Naiqi, WEI Guangqing, JIN Yang, YANG Hui, LIU Lin, MEI Shijia, ZHANG Hong, CHEN Pengjun, YUAN Jihai, QI Qiuju, LÜ Jinsong, GU Xuan, LIU Peng
    2021, 48(5): 1305-1333. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210501
    Abstract PDF
    Application of airborne hyperspectral imaging technology to the ecological environment protection of Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang Provinces at Yangtze River Economic Belt
    XIU Liancun, ZHENG Zhizhong, YANG Bin, YIN Liang, GAO Yang, JIANG Yuehua, HUANG Yan, ZHOU Quanping, SHI Jianlong, DONG Jinxin, CHEN Chunxia, LIANG Sen, YU Zhengkui
    2021, 48(5): 1334-1356. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210502
    Abstract PDF
    Water resources in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and its co-evolution trend with social economy: A comparative study with the international bay area
    WU Pan, ZHAO Xinwen, GU Tao, JIANG Tuo, WANG Xusheng, FENG Yuqing
    2021, 48(5): 1357-1367. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210503
    Abstract PDF
    Groundwater-surface water interactions in the Baiyangdian wetland, Xiong'an New Area and its impact on reed land
    WANG Yushan, YIN Dechao, WANG Xuqing, QI Xiaofan, XIA Yubo, MA Zhitong, ZHANG Liang, XU Rongzhen
    2021, 48(5): 1368-1381. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210504
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of fault slip probability of geothermal large-scale development: A case study of deep karst geothermal reservoir in Xiong'an New Area
    YUE Gaofan, WANG Guiling, MA Feng, ZHU Xi, ZHANG Hanxiong
    2021, 48(5): 1382-1391. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210505
    Abstract PDF
    Spatiotemporal characteristics and driving factors of surface evapotranspiration in Sanjiang Plain in recent 20 years
    LIN Nan, JIANG Ranzhe, LIU Qiang, GUO Xiaodong, YANG Hang, CHEN Si
    2021, 48(5): 1392-1407. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210506
    Abstract PDF
    Sedimentary environment evolution of the paleochannel in the middle reaches of Hutuo River since 150, 000 years and its response of climate change
    ZHAO Hongmei, LIU Linjing, ZHAO Hua, BI Zhiwei, WANG Chengmin, YANG Jinsong, WANG Likang, LU Yan
    2021, 48(5): 1408-1417. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210507
    Abstract PDF
    Hydrogeochemical processes and potential exposure risk of high-arsenic groundwater in Huaihe River Basin, China
    XU Naizheng, GONG Jianshi, TAN Mengjiao, YE Yonghong, ZHOU Kaie, ZHU Chunfang, SHU Longcang, MENG Dan
    2021, 48(5): 1418-1428. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210508
    Abstract PDF
    Tracing infiltration and recharge of thick silt by using D and 18O isotopes of soil moisture in Xiaogan, Hubei and its ecological efffects
    LIU Tianwen, PAN Yue, HU Cheng, WANG Qing, CHEN Zhihua, SHI Tingting
    2021, 48(5): 1429-1440. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210509
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics, genesis and treatment measures of NO3 type groundwater in Xiamen, Fujian Province
    LI Zhenghong, LI Yasong, HAO Qichen, LI Jianfeng, ZHU Yuchen
    2021, 48(5): 1441-1452. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210510
    Abstract PDF
    Geothermal-geological model of Xiong'an New Area: Evidence from geophysics
    WANG Kai, ZHANG Jie, BAI Dawei, WU Xingang, YUE Hangyu, ZHANG Baowei, WANG Xiaojiang, ZHANG Kai
    2021, 48(5): 1453-1468. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210511
    Abstract PDF
    Effective seismic imaging technology in igneous rock coverage area and its application to oil and gas investigation in Jinyang Basin of western Liaoning
    SUN Yuecheng, LI Yongfei, SUN Shouliang, ZHANG Tao, ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Hong
    2021, 48(5): 1469-1484. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210512
    Abstract PDF
    Reservoir characteristics and gas-bearing capacity of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in the Well Eyy2, east Huangling Uplift, western Hubei Province
    ZHANG Baomin, CAI Quansheng, CHEN Xiaohong, WANG Chuanshang, ZHANG Guotao, CHEN Lin, LI Peijun, LI Yangui
    2021, 48(5): 1485-1498. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210513
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution of the Frasnian strata in Hunan Province and shale gas prospects
    WANG Jianpo, WANG Chuanshang, LÜ Rong, TIAN Wei
    2021, 48(5): 1499-1509. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210514
    Abstract PDF
    The sedimentary characteristics and hydrocarbon potential of Meso-Neoproterozoic source rocks in North China Platform
    ZHANG Wenhao, TANG Dongjie, YANG Ye, ZHANG Jiaodong, LIU Xufeng, WANG Dandan, ZENG Qiunan, LIU Weibin
    2021, 48(5): 1510-1523. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210515
    Abstract PDF
    Petrogeochemistry, zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope of Xinping granodiorite(104Ma) in Xinfeng area, Guangdong Province
    LI Hongwei, QU Shangxia, LIN Xiaoming, XIAO Guangming, HUANG Jianhua, LIAO Bingbing
    2021, 48(5): 1524-1539. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210516
    Abstract PDF
    Petrogenesis of the Caledonian granites in the northern part of Miaoershan pluton, southwestern Hunan Province: Evidence from petrology, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb age
    DU Yun, GUO Aimin, LU Youyue, TIAN Lei, WANG Jingyuan, ZHOU Litong, FAN Hui, LUO Xiaoya
    2021, 48(5): 1540-1561. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210517
    Abstract PDF
    Biotite granodiorite age of Jiuling complex in Jiangxi Province and its limitation on the collision and splicing time of the Yangtze and Cathay plates
    ZHANG Zhihui, ZHANG Da, HE Xiaolong, HU Bojie, ZHU Xinyou, DU Zezhong, JIA Wenbin, GONG Xiaodong
    2021, 48(5): 1562-1579. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210518
    Abstract PDF
    Geochronology and genesis of Dongkengkou acid pluton in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province
    WU Bin, ZHANG Xuehui, YU feng, SUN Jiandong, ZHANG Yong, LÜ Jinsong, XU Mincheng, GAO Tianshan, YE Xiantao
    2021, 48(5): 1580-1595. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210519
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon U-Pb age, Hf isotope composition, and magma source of Mo-bearing granite porphyry in the Wenquan Mo deposit from West Qinling
    WU Jixiu, WANG Wen, HUANG Zengbao, WANG Xiaosai, XUE Qianbing, SU Xin
    2021, 48(5): 1596-1608. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210520
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotope and extensional tectonics of monzogranite in the Hansumu area of southern Great Khingan
    LIU Fang, WANG Xi, HAI Lianfu, ZHAO Dongsheng
    2021, 48(5): 1609-1622. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210521
    Abstract PDF
    Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in northern Baingoin, Tibet: Magmatic record of the closure of the Bangong-Nujiang Ocean
    WU Hao, ZHAI Qingguo, HU Peiyuan, TANG Yue, ZHU Zhicai, WANG Wei, XIE Chaoming, QIANGBA Zhaxi
    2021, 48(5): 1623-1638. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210522
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of the Early Cretaceous metamorphic core complex in Zhangbaling Uplift: Constraints on the Tan-Lu fault and its relationship with metallogenesis
    ZHU Qiang, WU Libin, DU Jianguo, HU Zhaoqi, SHI Ke, SUN Mingming, ZHAO Xianchao, GAO Shuguang
    2021, 48(5): 1639-1652. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210523
    Abstract PDF
    Response of Columbia supercontinent convergence to the southwestern margin of Yangtze Block: Evidence from zircon U-Pb age of hydrothermal quartz vein
    LIU Junping, WANG Xiaohu, GUAN Xueqing, DENG Renhong, YIN Wei, LUO Guangming, TIAN Sumei
    2021, 48(5): 1653-1654. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210524
    Abstract PDF
    Silurian commercial gas flow firstly obtained by well XSD1 in the northwest Tarim Basin
    GAO Yongjin, ZHANG Junfeng, ZHANG Yuanyin, ZHOU Xingui, BAI Zhongkai, YANG Youxing, LIU Yalei, JIANG Kunpeng
    2021, 48(5): 1655-1656. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210525
    Abstract PDF
    Shale gas drilled by well WWD1 in the Wangjiang area of Anhui Province
    LIAO Shengbing, SHI Gang, LI Jianqing, ZHENG Hongjun, ZHOU Daorong, WANG Cunzhi, HUANG Ning
    2021, 48(5): 1657-1658. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210526
    Abstract PDF
    High-quality source rocks of marine-continental transitional facies discovered by borehole WFD-1 in the Fuyang area of Anhui Province
    GAO Peng, LI Zhao, LI Shizhen, ZHOU Zhi, WEI Siyu, ZHANG Hongda
    2021, 48(5): 1659-1660. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210527
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of Strontium-rich mineral water in Tingsiqiao and Guantangyi Town, Xianning
    YANG Yanlin, JING jing, SHAO Changsheng, LU Tao, ZHANG Ao
    2021, 48(5): 1661-1662. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210528
    Abstract PDF
    Greisen-hosted wolframite deposit discovered in the south of Qinling orogenic belt
    QIU Jinlin, ZHANG Kai, JI Dongping, WANG Peng, WU Xiaowei, SUN De, PENG Sen
    2021, 48(5): 1663-1664. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210529
    Abstract PDF
    Light crude was obtained within the drilling under the Daqingshan granite thrust-nappe, Gansu Province
    LI Yongsheng, LÜ Xin, ZHEN Shimin, MI Kuifeng, BIAN Weihua, YU Xiaofei, WANG Zongqi, XUE Linfu
    2021, 48(5): 1665-1666. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210530
    Abstract PDF
    The Asian CCUS network led by Japan and its enlightenment
    2021, 48(5): 1667-1668.
    Abstract PDF