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    Early records of Quaternary glaciation in Qinghai-Tibet plateau and their tectonic and climatic implications
    ZHAO Yue, QIAN Fang, ZHU Da-gang, ZHANGYong-shuang, SHAO Zhao-gang, HE Zhe-feng
    2009, 36(6): 1195-1207.
    Abstract PDF
    An analysis of the basic characteristics of the Upper Pleistocene Salawusuan Stage in the Salawusu River Valley, Inner Mongolia
    MIN Long-rui, ZHU Guan-xiang, GUAN You-yi
    2009, 36(6): 1208-1217.
    Abstract PDF
    A study of the Quaternary lacustrine strata in Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake basin of Qinghai Province
    ZHU Da-gang, MENG Xian-gang, SHAO Zhao-gang, HAN Jian-en, WANG Jin, YU Jia, LV Rong-ping, QIAN Cheng
    2009, 36(6): 1218-1232.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and mechanism of Late Mesozoic extensional faults in West Shandong Uplift
    HU Qiu-yuan, LI Li, TANG Zhi-bo, SHI Xiu-peng
    2009, 36(6): 1233-1244.
    Abstract PDF
    A discussion on the development model of the concealed fault along the Huangshui River in Xining
    LI Zhi-min, ZHANG Jin, TIAN Qin-jian, ZHANG JUN-long, TU Hong-wei
    2009, 36(6): 1245-1250.
    Abstract PDF
    The discovery of the geophysical field boundary along Wudu-Wenxian-Lixian line and its significance
    DING Yan-yun, LI Zhan-kui
    2009, 36(6): 1251-1256.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and formation mechanism of fissures in Ordovician strata of No. 4 block, the Tahe Oilfield
    GAO Yu-fei, ZHONG Jian-hua, AHMATJAN, HUANG Lei, HOU Feng, LI Xu, WANG Ming-peng
    2009, 36(6): 1257-1267.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantifying the denudations of major tectonic events in Sichuan basin:Constrained by the paleothermal records
    ZHU Chuan-qing, XU Ming, SHAN Jing-nan, YUAN Yu-song, ZHAO Yong-qing, HU Sheng-biao
    2009, 36(6): 1268-1277.
    Abstract PDF
    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating and geochemical characteristics of Daning batholith in northeast Guangxi
    CHENG Shun-bo, FU Jian-ming, XU De-ming, CHEN Xi-qing, MA Li-yan, WANG Xiao-di, PANG Ying-chun
    2009, 36(6): 1278-1288.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and tectonic significance of Qixianian volcanic rocks in Zhigengaka area, Zhiduo County, eastern Qiangtang
    LI Li, BAI Yun-shan, MA Li-yang, NIU Zhi-jun, DUAN Qi-fa
    2009, 36(6): 1289-1301.
    Abstract PDF
    Tongka garnet pyroxenite in eastern Tibet and Songduo blue schist in Lhasa block
    SHA Shao-li, XIE Yao-wu, CHEN Ying-ming, XILUO Lan-jie, LIU Xue-long, ZHANG Na, JIANG Cheng-xing
    2009, 36(6): 1302-1311.
    Abstract PDF
    Paleo-karstification types, karstification periods and superimposition relationship of Ordovician carbonates in northern Tarim Basin
    NI Xin-feng, ZHANG Li-juan, SHEN An-jiang, PANG Wen-qing, QIAO Zhan-feng
    2009, 36(6): 1312-1321.
    Abstract PDF
    Facies sequence reestablishment and metallogenic analysis of Middle Triassic Anisian meta-volcanic rocks in the Kafang ore district, Gejiu, Yunnan
    ZHANG Hai, FANG Wei-xuan, Zhang Guishan, GAN Feng-wei, WEI Ning, Guo Yu-qian
    2009, 36(6): 1322-1330.
    Abstract PDF
    Metallogenic ages of tungsten-tin polymetallic deposits in Lianping area, northern Guangdong Provinc
    FU Jian-ming, LI Xiang-neng, CHENG Shun-bo, XU De-ming, MA Li-yan, CHEN Xi-qing
    2009, 36(6): 1331-1339.
    Abstract PDF
    A tentative discussion on ore-forming material sources and mineralization of the Shihu gold deposit in western Hebei Province
    CHEN Chao, NIU Shu-yin, WANG Bao-de, SUN Ai-qun, MA Bao-jun, WANG Wen-xue, GAO Yin-cang
    2009, 36(6): 1340-1349.
    Abstract PDF
    Resource assessment of coal-derived gas in Huhehu depression, Hailar Basin
    LI Song, MAO Xiao-ping, TANG Da-zhen, TAO Shu, YANG Wei-hong
    2009, 36(6): 1350-1358.
    Abstract PDF
    The determination of the index system and weights for the development optimism of oil shale potential areas
    CHEN Hui-jun, LIU Zhao-jun, ZHU Jian-wei, MENG Qing-tao, LIU Rong, XU Shen-chuan, FU Zhan-rong
    2009, 36(6): 1359-1365.
    Abstract PDF
    The strategic consideration of the development of China's airborne geophysical technology
    XIONG Sheng-qing
    2009, 36(6): 1366-1374.
    Abstract PDF
    The application of the EH-4 electromagnetic imaging system to the detection of concealed structure
    LI Fu, WANG Yong-hua, WU Wen-xian
    2009, 36(6): 1375-1381.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of migration and accumulation of rare earth elements in the rock-soil-navel orange system
    WANG Zhen-li, DENG Tong-de, WANG Rui-min, SHAO Wen-jun, XU Ming, LIAO Wan-qi
    2009, 36(6): 1382-1394.
    Abstract PDF
    The effect of farm manure on the dissolution of carbonate rocks and its eco-environmental impact
    LIU Chang-li, ZHANG Yun, SONG Chao, HOU Hong-bing, WANG Xiu-yan, JIANG Jian-mei, WANG Jing-jing, PEI Li-xin
    2009, 36(6): 1395-1404.
    Abstract PDF
    Researches on the cold water infiltration theory for the response mechanism of sudden drop-slow rise type of water temperature: a case study of Fe3+, Mn2+ variation in Beiwenquan hot spring of Chongqing associated with the Wenchuan Earthquake
    XIAO Qiong, SHEN Li-cheng, Chen-Zhantu
    2009, 36(6): 1405-1412.
    Abstract PDF
    Modes of occurrence and bioavailability of Cd in soils of the urban-rural integration area
    DU Fu-zhi, FU Wa-li, ZHEN Xiao-jun, DUAN Zheng-feng, WANG Su-fang
    2009, 36(6): 1413-1418.
    Abstract PDF
    Restudy of the depositional environment of Lower-Middle Silurian strata in northern Chaohu area
    LI Hao, WANG Guan-min, GAO Liang
    2009, 36(6): 1419-1424.
    Abstract PDF
    The distribution of Hg in sediments of Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi, and its influence
    XIA Zhen
    2009, 36(6): 1425-1432.
    Abstract PDF
    The application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to the assessment of the solid waste landfill suitability
    GAO Hong-qiang, FAN Yan-en
    2009, 36(6): 1433-1441.
    Abstract PDF